🔎 Find More Facebook Prospects With These Simple Steps ✅
One of the biggest mistakes many people think when starting on social media is by being everywhere. Lisa Torres, a social media coach and trainer for network marketers and the creator of the “Behind the Automation” podcast, believes you don’t. In fact, being in one and doing it right can bring you more results than being everywhere at once—not to say the overwhelm that’s there. And for Lisa, that is on Facebook. In this episode, she joins Adrienne Hill to share with us her expertise: getting engagement through Facebook, specifically, the big bucket do’s and don’ts. She also shares some of her tips and tricks to trigger the algorithm, engage with people, and drive them to leads. Join Lisa in this conversation to learn how to make an even bigger impact on Facebook. #impactfulentrepreneurshow #guestinterview #facebookprospecting
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🔎 Find More Facebook Prospects with These Simple Steps ✅
Impactful Entrepreneur Show Guest Interview
I'm super excited because I'm here with Lisa Torres. She's a good friend of mine and also an expert in Facebook prospecting and closing. She is the master when it comes to this. I've been friends with her for quite some time and watching what she's doing. I've been dying to ask her questions about it. This is perfect. You guys are going to get the inside scoop on what makes Lisa so successful on Facebook specifically. Welcome, Lisa.
Thank you so much for inviting me. I'm excited to be here. Social media prospecting and closing is one of my favorite things to talk about because it's my expertise.
Lisa and I met at a business retreat. We stayed up late every night, laying there talking about business techniques and getting the scoop on everything she's doing. It's super fascinating. This is going to be a good one. For those people who maybe have not met you yet, could you tell us a little bit about your story, your background and what brought you here?
I'll take you way back a little bit first. I started in the home-based business industry, in network marketing, when I was nineteen. For the first eighteen years, I failed miserably. During that time, I only made $20. Who survives eighteen years of struggle and only makes $20? I did. Why? I had a vision and a big why. I knew I did not want to work for somebody else for the rest of my life. I saw possibilities. I had big dreams. I saw what was possible through other people's dreams and visions. That's where I was headed. I didn't care at the time how long it took me to get here. I was headed there. That was the start of the journey.
In 2007, I got laid off from my job. I was working in Corporate America. The first place that I turned to was YouTube because YouTube was our social media. We didn't have anything else. We had YouTube, Myspace, forums and people were blogging. That was pretty much it. Those were our social media platforms back then. I started with YouTube, shooting videos and they were terrible. I shot videos for the first six months and never made one sale. My videos, the sound, the audio and the visual was terrible. It was terrible but I did it anyway. I was consistent in doing it anyway, regardless of if the content was great, the lighting was great or whatever, it was the growth that came out of that, from consistency. Finally, six months later, I made my first sale and I was like, "It worked." From that point on, it's been the journey since then.
You are even more stubborn than me. You hung in for eighteen years. You're in a very different place now. Tell us a little bit about the do's and don'ts when it comes to getting engagement through Facebook, specifically high-level, big bucket do's and don'ts.
There is a lot of people that are getting started with social media. They're starting out with their businesses and they're like, "What do I do? Where do I start? What are the things that I got to do on social media?" The first thing that I believe in is if you're starting out or even if you've been around for a while is to not to overwhelm yourself. What you don't want to do is be all over the place. There's Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Especially for those that have a full-time job and they're doing this part-time, what you don't want to do is overwhelm yourself with all the social media platforms.
Even with my experience, I still only use one main platform and that's Facebook. That's my main line home of office. That's where I connect with my customers and my prospects. That's where I do my prospecting and my marketing. Everything is on the social media platform. I don't need to go anywhere else. That's the first thing. The second thing is, how are you going to show up? These are the do's. Are you going to show up as someone of value? Think about this for a second, when you look at the content you're putting all over on your wall whether you're using Instagram, Facebook, even YouTube. When you look at your content, ask yourself, “Would I follow me?” When I go to my wall, because I like to look at my own stuff to see if I like it, if the answer is no. I will take it down. I clean up my wall all the time. Even still at this day, if there's something that I post and I don't like it and I don't feel like it's going to be that attractive to somebody that I'm trying to attract, whether it's a customer or business builder, I'll go ahead and take it down. "This post is stupid. Let me take it down. This post doesn't serve a purpose." You take it down. The most important do is to ask yourself, “Would I be attracted to the content that I'm posting?”
The second thing best to do, I'm going to say one of each, I'll say the most important. The two most important things with the do's and the don'ts is, number one, are you, yourself attracted to your content? If the answer is no, take it down. During that process, think about when you're going around and looking at other people's content, people that you follow leaders and stuff like that. You look at the types of posts that inspire you and motivate you and lift you up. Think about the way you feel when you're seeing other people's content and go and model after that. Don't scale it.
Facebook Engagement: The most important thing to do is to ask yourself, “Would I be attracted to the content that I'm posting?”
“This person made me feel like I could do it. I'm going to make a post that makes someone else feel like they can do this.”
For example, I saw my good friend. She posted this amazing post and I shared it inside one of my Facebook groups because it was so powerful. It's things like that. Things like when you see posts and you're like, "That was good. I was inspired by that." Those are the type of posts that you want to go out there and post on your wall. Here's the thing, when you are going out there prospecting and talking to people, what do you think is the first thing they're going to do? They're going to come to your wall, check you out, look at your wall and they're going to see your content. They're going to do all of that. How do I know? I'm one of them. I do that. I go to people's walls to see what content they're posting on their walls.
What we don't want to do is be a negative Nelly, complaining Charlie. You don't want to be the one that repels people with your content and people are like, "All she does is complain. Let me go ahead to her wall and unfriend her." When you're posting on social media, make sure that it is intentional and it serves a purpose. If you're building a business and trying to attract people, you want to make sure that your posts are intentional and they serve a purpose. That purpose is whatever it is that you want it to be as long as it's on the positive side and not the negative side. We want to leave all the negative stuff out of the equation. If you want to complain about your husband or whoever, leave that separate. Call a friend and complain to her. Don't bring out all your dirty laundry on social media. There’s a lot of things that I complain about that are going on in my life but you won't see me going to my wall, Sebastian, my husband. You won't see me going on my wall and complaining about what my daughter did or something like that. Leave all of that stuff out of the equation because honestly, it repels people and nobody cares.
I love that piece of any given post that you make, ask yourself, “How do I want someone to feel when they read this or watch this?” If you don't know, it's probably not a great post. Let's assume now that people are following the do's and don'ts. They're posting good stuff. What's the key to turning great engagement into actual leads? How do you do that?
The very first thing that I do when I post on my wall is I like my own posts. Believe it or not, I've had people ask me, "Why do you like your own stuff?" A lot of people don't know this but I've tested this time and time again doing it and not doing it. The reason why I like my own posts when I post is because it triggers the algorithm. It gives it a little boost, you're own like. Why? I want the algorithms to pick up my posts like, “This post got an engagement.” Yours does matter. Your engagement on your own posts matters. I've tested posting a post and not liking it. I saw how slow it is. You can test it yourself but I've seen how slow the engagement has been without doing that. Did you say converting engagement?
Interest or engagement into leads?
First of all, it starts with the quality of the content. We already covered that. It has to be a value. It's got to be motivational. The types of posts that you have to be posting are motivational, inspirational, educational and entertainment, maybe some family stuff. I love to post my TikToks. I get a lot of engagement with my TikToks. I want to showcase my fun-ness and my silliness and all that because that's part of attraction marketing. People love to be entertained. One of the things that also I do is that first comment that comes in on my posts, I don't like it and walk away. I don't look at it and walk away. I go and engage with the first person on my post and everybody else after that. There are two things that I do.
Number one, I will like or love the comment that they posted on my posts. What I don't want you guys to do is right under that person's comment, there's a little button that says reply, we don't want to use that because the reply button does not help us with the algorithms. It may help with people seeing that you have a ton of comments but it doesn't help you push you up with the algorithm. What I like to do is leave a comment on my own post separately outside of their comment. I will be the second comment on that post but I will tag the person's name and then say what I have to say. I will like my own comment because that's another boost in the algorithm. I will unlike my posts and like them again. I will keep doing that so when the next person comes in, I like it. I leave a comment, tagging them and saying what I have to say. I will like my comment, unlike my post, like it again. It's that flow that creates a lot of engagement and people seeing the posts up in their newsfeed.
All of that engagement, how do you get them to either into a message with you or onto your list? How do you get them as a lead? Clearly, people are now going to see tons of engagement. How do you take them to the next step?
Facebook Engagement: When you're posting on social media, make sure that it is intentional and serves a purpose.
It doesn't matter what the post is about. If they liked and commented on it, they're prospects. You who are reading, if you follow me on Facebook and commenting and liking on my stuff, you're a prospect. I will be in your inbox eventually. What I like to do is when somebody likes or likes and comments or just comments or whatever action they took, whatever engagement they participated in on my posts, I want to make sure that it's in their inbox. It doesn't matter what the post is about. It could be a motivational post, my TikTok or a picture of my lunch. It doesn't matter what the post is about. If somebody likes and comments on it, I'm going to send them a simple message that says, "So-and-so, thank you so much for liking or commenting. Thank you for liking it. Thank you for commenting. How are you doing?" I get that initial conversation going. This is one of the things that I'll be teaching in an event that I have coming up soon. Through that conversation, I'm asking questions. I am trying to find out what their problem is and see how I'd be able to be the one that helps them solve that problem. Through that then I can say, "This person is going to need this and that.” Whatever it is I decide that they need, that's the funnel I'm going to push them through to generate a lead on my list.
You're going through a discovery process with them where you're asking questions to figure out what's going on in their life to figure out if you have something to offer. If you feel like you do have something to offer, do you offer it right there? Do you offer to get on the phone? What is it that you're doing then when you make the offer?
First of all, I need to find what the problem is. We can't make an offer unless we know what the problem is. Let me give you an example. I have several different offers. I have marketing stuff, coaching, courses, challenges and network marketing business. I have all these different things. Depending on what my conversation is like and what problem I feel that I can solve then I will say, "I have this. Are you open to taking a look at it?" I won't get to that point unless I ask questions and solve a problem. The problem is in solving that problem for them.
It's truly approaching with a heart of service and trying to figure out how you can help them. You're not trying to force-fit one thing on to everyone. You're finding the right fit for them. What results can people get if they start combining all these tips? They're doing all the engagement tips you gave them there and prospecting to drive people to leads by figuring out what the problem is. If they're stringing all these things together, what results are possible? What sales can come out of that? Do you have stories or examples of how this comes to light?
I'll share three of them with you because I have been doing this process since about 2011 and 2012, somewhere around that time. I've been doing the same process since then. It worked then, it works now and it's worked for several people that I taught it to. When I first started doing it, I was in a network marketing company. I was doing okay in my business at the time before I joined this business. When I started doing some of the things that I'm teaching you here, I created my first $100,000 in one year with that business. As soon as I hit a year, I had crossed the $100,000 mark. I was also one of the top 200 income earners in that company. I did that through prospecting and attraction marketing. That's one example. The second time when I did it again, that company was going down. I was transitioning from that company to another company.
Things happen. You have to be prepared for that.
I saw the ship sinking and I'm like, "It’s time to make some moves." I made my move into a different company. What happened in my first year? I was the fastest in the whole entire company to get to the top leadership level in exactly one year and one day. How did I do that? Attraction marketing, prospecting, engaging, asking conversations, getting in people's inboxes, building those relationships with people, posting quality content, things like that. I joined the network marketing company that I'm in. I advanced sixteen times in eight months. I earned the car in 4.5 months. I crossed over $100,000 in nine months. How did I do that? Prospecting, talking to pit people, building relationships, doing very strategic and specific things on Facebook. I did that all 100% on Facebook. Now those results came from Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. It was 100% Facebook. In the end, inside of people's inbox, having real conversations. Those are three examples since I started doing this process up until now. Everything I touch, I run fast through to getting results with what I teach. Those are some of the things that I do.
Three examples, it sounds like they were all in network marketing. Could you apply the same technique to say, a coaching program or an affiliate program or anything else?
Yes. In courses, a lot of people think they have to do Facebook Ads and all these fancy things and spend money on attracting people. You can do that stuff and that's great. It's great to build your list and invest in your business and all that stuff. If you want to move fast, it all starts with relationships. I cannot stress that enough. It doesn't matter if it's an affiliate program, course or a network marketing company. It doesn't matter if you're selling coaching or what it is. If you know how to have conversations with people, ask the right questions and convert that conversation into getting them on your list and then closing them, that's the process. Finding the problem, offering a solution. It's simple 1, 2 step. Even for me until now, the solution could be anything.
Facebook Engagement: We can't make an offer unless we know what the problem is.
For example, somebody sent me a message, "Lisa, do you do one-on-one coaching?" My answer was, "What is it exactly that you're looking for?" I don't want to coach somebody that I don't feel is a right fit for my coaching but based on maybe what his response to me is, maybe he's a great fit for my course. I don't know unless I ask the questions. Think of it as having a toolbox. In your toolbox, you got your tools, coaching programs, courses, network marketing, accompany, your affiliate programs, whatever, based on their need, that's how I'm going to serve.
Let's talk about that toolbox. I know there's a lot of people who don't have that mix of tools yet. They just have their one thing, their one offer. Is it going to be easier for them to listen with the heart of service and offer something up if they do have a mix of things or can you still be successful if you have one?
You can be successful when you have just one. The first two examples that I gave you. The first network marketing company that I was in was one of the top 200 income earners before this ship sank. The second one, affiliate program, it's the same thing. I was focused on promoting those things. It wasn't until 2016 where I started coaching and creating my own courses. It's been years since I had that toolbox for that one.
You've been successful now with multiple different ventures, a lot of prospecting. How do you not run out of people to talk to?
I don't even know the numbers, 3 billion or 4 billion people on Facebook. It's probably more like three billion. There are three billion people on Facebook. You could never run out of people to talk to. There are people all over the world on Facebook. It's impossible to run out of people to talk to. I challenge you to even try to run out of people to talk to. It's impossible because there are so many people out there looking for your help. They're waiting for somebody to show up inside of their inbox to save them. They're waiting for it.
Important Links
Lisa on Autopilot - Catch Lisa’s Podcast!
3-Step Framework for Building a List on Autopilot – Lisa’s free gift for you!
Book a 6-Figure Strategy Session with Adrienne - Adrienne’s free gift for you!
Facebook Group - Adrienne’s Entrepreneur Community
About Lisa Torres
Lisa Torres has been a Social Media Coach & Trainer for Network Marketers since 2009 and is the creator of the “Behind the Automation” Podcast. She has developed 3 digital courses based around prospecting and lead generation and has been building multiple income streams and teaching other network marketers how to do the same.
She has shared stages with several other successful entrepreneurs such as Ray Higdon, Todd Falcone, Chalene Johnson and Dr. Joe Dispenza just to name a few. Lisa has also reached top leadership levels in several affiliate marketing and network marketing companies and is a firm believer in planning, creating processes and systems that will propel you to success.