💰 Sell Over Text Using This Affordable Text Messaging Software 💻
How can your business survive and flourish? Good client relationships are always the key to success. That connection is very important. In this episode, Lori Nordstrom, creator co-founder of the text messaging software, BUZZYtext, shares her experiences from all those years in the industry and business, which will benefit you as a listener. She explains why it is beneficial to use her text messaging software today and how you can leverage it and grow your business!
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💰 Sell Over Text Using This Affordable Text Messaging Software 💻
Did you know that the average email open rate is anywhere from 20% to 30%? That’s not bad, but did you know that text messages are opened at anywhere between 70% and 80%? It's a pretty huge jump. I think granted text messages are short-form messages, but they can be the perfect thing to get your leads and prospects’ attention. We have a special episode where a friend of mine is going to show you all about a really neat new and affordable text messaging software. Let's check it out. Let's do this.
Thank you so much for joining me for the Strategies and Systems Summit. I'm Lori Nordstrom. I'm so excited to be here with you. I love this topic and it is so important that we do this together. We are better together as we learn and grow and make the world a better place. I'm excited and thrilled to be able to share with you one of the systems that I love. For systems and strategies, I love this topic. I have been in business for myself for 35 years this 2021. I started when I was 16 in business for myself and have never looked back.
I've never had an actual job. When I was having to make big decisions and changes in my business, I used to say, ”I don't have a choice. I have to make this work. I can't go get a job.” The reality is that we all have a choice daily to decide. We've got a choice of how we show up in the world, how we do business, and who we do business with. That's also one of the real joys of doing business. Thirty-five years in, I've seen lots of trends and styles come and go. I've spent lots of time-evolving, growing, and changing as a business owner, an entrepreneur, and a human.
A lot of that time I was simply surviving and then other times, I was thriving. I love to get to share all of that. As we go through this new tool that I want to share with you, I want to share with you also some quick ideas that whether you move on and you use this tool which is BUZZY, whether you use this specific tool or not, I hope to provide some value for you, some ideas that you'll be able to use, moving forward either way.
Make It A Yes
I also hope that you will love this system as much as I do. Let's jump right in. I want to share with you before we get going my number one rule in my business. This has been a lens for me to be able to look at everything that is presented to me. I even want you to look through this lens as you see BUZZY, this opportunity, the ten ideas that I'm going to share with you, and everything else you are looking at throughout the summit and beyond. Make sure that it fits through this lens.
My number one rule is that I am always going to make it positive and a yes for my clients. I'm big on scripting and having a plan in place so I know exactly how to communicate to my clients, what is in it for them, and what the yes is. That does not mean that the client is always bright. My rule before the rule is that it has to be a yes for my business and my family before I can make it a yes for my client.
I will figure out what that is and how to make it a yes all the way around, but my personal values and priorities are going to come first. One of the biggest blessings of having our own business is that we get to plan for our personal priorities, values, hopes, and dreams first and then build a business that supports those things. This has become a non-negotiable for me. I have come across it 99.9% of the time. If it's going to be an objection, a question, or something that somebody is going to throw at me, I have scripted it out in such a way that I can answer the client so that I can share with them a positive yes answer.
We all have a choice and we have a choice daily to decide.
I already know that it's going to be a yes for my business. It's going to be a yes for my family first. I would encourage you to put all the ideas and things that become available to you through that lens and make sure that it fits you first. It's going to be better for you, your business, and your clients. If you aren't happy, you can't make your clients happy. If your clients aren't happy, you're probably not going to be happy either. It works in a big, giant circle. At least for me, that is true. With all the time and energy that we invest in them, if I have a client that's disappointed in some way, I can't be happy either. If I'm not happy, I'm not making them happy.
Let's make it a yes, positive, and figure out how to make it best all the way around. We're going to get curious here about what is possible. This was one of the things that 2020 opened up for us. We got to choose. We got to make a decision and decide if we were going to sit at home and hide under the covers, or if we were going to get curious about what was possible or what was still available to us. I'm so excited that you're here because that means you are excited and curious about what 2021 has to offer you.
We're finishing up the first quarter of 2021 here and moving into the year already. It's hard to believe. I am super excited personally about the possibilities of 2021. I hope you'll get curious about that with me. I'm going to share with you the four questions that I get most as a business coach when I'm working with creative entrepreneurs. Typically, the entrepreneurs that I love. I was in the photography industry for 25 years. I still do some photography professionally. I started coaching and teaching photographers and working with other creative entrepreneurs.
No matter what the business is, at any level, starting out or million-dollar businesses, I get the same four questions typically. We're working on systems for 1 of these 4 things. “How do I get new clients?” There are always questions about marketing on, “Who that person is? How do I show up once I figure that out?” The second thing is, “How do I communicate better? How do I make sure that the clients know everything they need to know and they get those yes answers so they come ready to work and pay? I can serve them well so that they come and we've communicated all the things along the way.”
Number three is, “How do I save time in my business? How do I get more productive? How do I streamline my workflow?” We want to save time. Number four is, “How do I keep clients coming back again and again?” For all the years that I've been in business, I've always believed that if I lose a client to a competitor and I see that they are going somewhere else, even in the years before I was a photographer, I always wanted to look and see where I let the relationship down.
That's something important for us to pay attention to. It's not that they found something cheaper or a better-quality product. It's that we let the relationship down. In fact, there was a study that was done at the end of 2020. Service-based consumers were asked why they would stay loyal to a company or go looking for another company after they worked with a service-based business.
Their answer was not price. They did not say that that was the number one answer they would go somewhere else. It was not quality, a better product, or service. The number one answer that they gave was, “I didn't feel cared for.” That's why they went out and looked for another company or another business to work with. That's something that we need to pay attention to.
Text Messaging Software: Spend time evolving and growing and changing as a business owner and entrepreneur and human.
If we're not showing up, serving well, following up, and caring for our clients, they're going to go looking somewhere else. We all desire that connection, human connection, and engagement, even with the businesses that we worked with. We learned this in 2020, didn't we? We've got to put systems in place to make sure that we stay in front of our clients and potential clients.
I'm going to show you BUZZY, the BUZZY system, and ten ideas that you can use. Before we get going here, I want to share with you a couple of those expectations that are out there in the marketplace. Customer expectations are changing all the time. They did a fast forward to 2020. Moving into 2021, we all have a big responsibility, but also a huge opportunity to show up, serve well, and care well.
Our clients are craving a better experience. They want everything about the experience when they work with us to be something that they can talk about, something that they can share, and a story that they can tell. They want to be well cared for. We talked about that. They want us to continue to follow up with them. They want us to stay in touch with them. The businesses that stay in front of people and stay in touch with their clients are the ones that are going to win the business back again and again. They want real-time communication. They don't want to have to wait when they have a question.
We're used to getting things when we want them and in real-time. That's what they want from us as businesses. We have to have the systems in place to make sure that we can do that. We are all seeing 10,000 or up to 10,000 ads a day. This blows my mind. This is super fascinating. When you stop and think about it, think about yesterday and how many ads you can remember. Can you remember five of the ads you saw?
Most people say no. They can't even remember 5 of 10,000 that you were possibly in front of. As business owners, we have to start getting creative about how we're reaching out and staying in front of people. In fact, Jay Baer, who has written several books, has a podcast and does all kinds of things. You may have heard of him. He said that we have to start marketing to people. We have to stop throwing messages out and hoping that they're going to stick somewhere. We have to start conversations. We have to start engaging. We have to make people feel cared for.
The next piece is not just talking to the right people and knowing who that target client is, but having the right message at the right time using the right channel. This sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it? It doesn't have to be that hard. We can make it a yes. Think about this as we go through this, getting your message out to the right people at the right time and using the right channel. What is the right channel? I'm so glad you asked. It is texting.
Texting Is The Right Channel
I started using texting for business many years ago but then found a system. As I was searching for a system, ended up co-founding and creating BUZZY as I pulled from one system and another saying, “It needs to do this and that. Why can't this man do this? Why does this one do this better?” We pulled it all together and created BUZZY. I love this system. I do believe texting is the right channel. Here's why. What we know is that about 20% of emails get opened.
Customer expectations are changing all the time.
That is a sad number when we stopped to think about how much time we spend creating all of our emails, putting sequences in place, tagging, redirecting, putting email campaigns together, and even building our list. Have you been in business for any amount of time? You have heard to build your list. I had done that as well. I had built my list of about 35,000 a few years ago. I noticed that fewer people were opening those messages unless it was some crazy far-out title. Even those were getting met open maybe a week later, two weeks later, or way beyond the time when they could have taken action.
Emails are getting opened about 20% at a time. Click-through rates are even way less than that of that 20%. A small percentage gets acted upon. What we know is that 99% of text messages get opened and read. Of that 99%, they get opened in under three minutes. Talk about real-time connection and communication, that is real-time. In under three minutes, they can get your message. Eighty-nine percent of consumers that were surveyed said that they would like to use messaging to communicate with the businesses that they work with. They would like to get those messages. That's pretty cool.
Another thing that we know is that texting is the number one feature of our phones. It is not the internet, social media, or not gaming. It is texting. That's crazy. Of that 89% said that they would like to message and get texts and 85% of consumers said that they would prefer a text over an email. That’s another statistic that blows my mind. For me, this is true. If you send me an email, you got to send me a text and tell me you sent me an email. That's the way I personally am.
These surveys are going out and consumers are telling us, as business owners, how they want to be communicated with. They would rather have a text over an email. It is one of the good statistics here for us as small business owners. If you are a small business, that means $1 million or less is a small business. What we know is that only 14% of all businesses are using text communication. You can imagine what that number looks like for small businesses. It's a small number. We get to be at the forefront.
You get to be one of the first if you start putting a system in place. Of that 14% of businesses that are using texts, a small percentage of those are using a 2-way system and building relationships. Most of them are using a one-way, “Here's your appointment time. Here's your reminder. Here's your link to go to a webinar.” They’re using one-way communication and you can't message back to them or send them a question if you have one. That is one of the things that BUZZY thrives on. We want to build relationships, communication, a connection that we all desire, and engagement that is going to build our businesses.
Here's your family feud question. What are the three things that we never leave home without? The three things that we never leave home without are going to be our wallets. It's the money, our keys, and our phone. We all know where our phones are all the time. If it's not in your hand or right beside you, you know where it is or you're going to start to panic. Why aren't we making sure that we're communicating with people the way they want to be communicated with through text on their phones?
One of the tools that BUZZY has built right in is a QR code builder. You can send anything with this QR code builder. I'm going to have you get the summit link for BUZZY. You're going to be able to get this. I'm going to talk to you a little bit more about what that means later, but this is one of the first things you can do. Open up your camera. This has a pattern behind it. I'm going to make sure that this works. It's going to capture that QR code and pop open a little message window for you.
Text Messaging Software: If you aren't happy, you can't make your clients happy. And if your clients aren't happy, you're probably not going to be happy either. It just works in a big, giant circle.
When you open up your message window, it's going to populate the keyword SSS for Strategies Systems Summit. You just have to push send. That's going to send it to this number. If for some reason, you've got an old phone or the QR code isn't working on your phone, that happens about 1 in 100. You may be that special, but if that happens, text SSS code to that number. Only that keyword. Nothing else. You do have that number and you can message me at any time.
I will answer you. I love answering people. I love getting to know you through texts. It's awesome. Just send that word. That's going to send you a little auto-responder back in under a couple of minutes. It's going to give you the information for signing up with BUZZY if you would like to. I'm going to tell you how you can get a few little extra bonuses as we go.
BUZZYtext Features And Special Offers
I'm going to give you 10 ideas for answering those 4 questions that we talked about in the beginning. These are ten ideas to grow your business and use the BUZZY system. Even if you choose not to use BUZZY, I hope that you're going to get some ideas and some value here. Part one here is to captivate. We want to get new leads. Idea number one is having contests. I love to do text-to-win contests. What that means is we're going to set up a keyword. It might be a winner, chicken, or dinner, who knows?
You're going to set up your keyword that people are going to text to your number to be entered into a contest. With BUZZY, you do get your own business text line. You're going to get a new number that you own. It's yours for the lifetime of using BUZZY. It's just $10 a month. You get all the features and even get credits to use to send your message out. It's inexpensive often to start.
Text-to-win contests are amazing because we can offer the winner text-to-win X. I love to run contests every single month because there are brand new leads every single month that are interested in winning that prize. If they're interested in winning the prize, and that is one of my products or one of my services, then I know that those people are at least interested in working with me or more information from me. I can continue to communicate with them.
Text-to-win contests are going to be number one. If you're like me, everyone wins. When I do this, if I say text the word “winner” to win X, I'm going to send it out. I'm going to say, “Our winner this month is Adrienne Hill. For you, for entering, you get X.” It might be that you get a discount or a bonus when you purchase. It might be any number of things, but everyone wins. We can send them a little something and continue to communicate with them. That's number one.
Number two is your lead magnet. Many of you have lead magnets that are out there. Most of us as presenters have a lead magnet for you. In fact, mine is here. You can text “workbook” to that same number that you set, your little QR code in SSS. If you're on Clubhouse, text the word “plan.” I'll let you know when I'm at Clubhouse and we're going through the workbook together.
We have to start getting really creative about how we're reaching out and staying in front of people.
This is a comprehensive business plan. It is for creative entrepreneurs. It can work for any business, but this is my lead magnet. You can see how this works and how I can deliver a PDF through texts. I can deliver a short video, any number of messages, files, links, and all the things to your phone with a simple keyword. A lead magnet is going to be huge. If you don't want the business plan workbook, don't get it. That's okay.
Here's the deal. When we are putting an email out there, a lot of times, people will have this email that they only go to get their freebies. I do that. I'm guilty. I've got a Yahoo account and all I do is get my little freebies and never open up an email again from that person. That's sad, but this is the reality and the truth. We're all so bombarded by emails that many people will do that. You're going to have a list with texts because few people will put that cell phone number to get their thing. You're going to have a more dedicated list and a group of people that have told you what that number is to get their thing and then you can continue to communicate with them.
Another thing that I see a lot of people do is have text plans that they work with. They are sending up a lead magnet, but then those people don't hear from them again until they're ready to promote something. That's another huge mistake. We want to continue to drip love, show value, show up, and serve any of the lists that we create, whether it's email, text, or Facebook groups. This is my lead magnet, so you can see how that works. I do hope it's of value to you. You may have already gotten it over there on the Summit page, but we want to deliver those lead magnets that our target clients value to show up and serve them well.
Number three is partnerships. I love partnering up with other businesses. I look at three different categories for my partnerships. It’s well-connected people, businesses that are already serving my target client, and other organizations where they are spending time volunteering, showing up, and donating. I love those three different areas and I want to be partnered up with those people. We can provide gift cards or get a gift card from them to send out to our clients. We can partner up on a newsletter, on a lead magnet together, or maybe a text-to-win contest that we're doing. Maybe it's several businesses.
Everybody's got that text-to-win out that promo in their own business. We're all coming together to give something of value together. This is something that I did for my local clients in February 2021, the Love Month. I sent out, “You are loved. Enjoy coffee. It is on us. Just scan this QR code when you get there. Happy Love Month.” This was a QR code that I went into the coffee shop and did with them.
They created a tab for me so that when someone came in and scanned, they could get up to up to $5 on me. I split it with the coffee place. They paid for half of it. They did that for me because they knew I was going to be sending people in their way. Most people that come in don't just buy coffee and come once. That's a partnership. It’s something that we can do together. I would encourage you guys to do that.
Next, we want to make sure that we are communicating well. We've got those new leads going. One of the things I love for people to do is to start communicating right away when you get your new BUZZY text line is to send out an announcement. If you've got any number of past clients, it might be 5, 25, or 500, but we want you to send out an announcement to anyone you already have permission to communicate to via text.
Text Messaging Software: If I lose a client and I see that they are going somewhere else, even in the years before I was a photographer, um, I always wanted to look and see where I let the relationship down.
I love helping people set this up. This is one of the things that you're going to get if you are a VIP moving on from the Summit. You are going to get training with me on how to set up and send out your announcement. You're going to get 1,000 bonus credits to be able to do that. Each credit sends out a text. One thing that I did in the middle of 2020 was I sent out a message that said, “This is Lori Nordstrom. This is my new business text line.” Some people call it a text club, a text hotline, VIP club, whatever you want to call it. I said, “I wanted to check in with you, how are you? How's everybody doing?”
I sent that out and you would not believe the responses that I've gotten back. I love setting people up with an announcement. Even moving into 2021, people are sending out announcements, calling me, and saying, “I cannot believe the way people are responding.” It doesn't matter if you've got 5 or 500 people that you want to connect with. The point is that we want to get back in front of people. It's important. We have to stay in front of them and keep them engaged. You're going to get 1,000 bonus credits if you do that VIP option.
Number five is staying connected. Keep in mind that no matter what you are putting out into the world on social media, in your emails, or via text, we want to inspire, entertain, educate, engage, and always add value. We don't want to send out our lead magnet via text and never communicate with these people again. We want to drop some love and do it often. Depending on what your thing is, there are some people that will have a Monday motivational text, a funny Friday, a soulful Sunday, or a wacky Wednesday.
It doesn't have to be something like that, but maybe you send out even a review and reflect at the end of each month or a goal planning worksheet at the beginning of every month. It could be whatever your thing is. The point is that we want to stay connected. We want to keep dropping inspiration, entertainment, or education. We want to encourage that engagement and always provide value.
Your sixth idea is to continue to build relationships. One of the tools that you have in BUZZY is scheduling these different messages. You can schedule birthday messages, anniversary messages, and holiday greetings. You're sending out maybe Thanksgiving. “I'm so grateful for you. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for doing business with me,” whatever your groove and however you talk to your clients. For me, it would be, “Thank you so much for being a part of my life. I'm so grateful for you.” I might even put a Bible verse in there, but I'm going to drop that Thanksgiving love and let them know that I'm grateful for them.
“I'm thinking of you.” I sent out that message in 2020. It’s just as relevant now that we send something out and say, “I'm thinking of you. I'm dropping some love in February.” You can send out that announcement that says, “This is my new business hotline. Feel free to message me at any time, but know that I'm thinking of you. I wanted to check in. I'm dropping that little bit of love.” You would be surprised at how far it goes with people. We want to drop those messages, schedule them out, walk away, and forget it. That's one of the things that I love about this system.
Number seven is client care, asking, “How did we do?” Sending out a request for a review. Anytime I personally sent out a review request, I always want to also give them a thank you gift. I'm going to send out a text and I'm going to say, “I would love it so much if you would take ten minutes to fill out this information and let me know how we did. Add a testimonial if you would be so kind.”
What we know today is that about 20% of emails get opened. That is a really sad number.
I want to give them real-time, how long this might take. I'll always overshoot it a little bit. I might say, “It's going to take you about ten minutes. If you'll do that for me, coffee is on me, lunch is on me, or here's a gift card, too.” That's always also going to be dependent on how much they spent. What did they purchase from you? We're going to gift them in that way.
That is a huge part of my personal marketing budget. I'm going to spend 5% to 8% of every dollar on marketing and it's not usually on actual marketing. I don't spend a lot of money on marketing, but I do spend money on caring for my clients well. It's going to be those little gifts of appreciation along the way and then scheduling the follow-up and the check-in, “How did you love everything? How's it going? Are you enjoying this?”
It's scheduling those things so that we can schedule it, walk away, forget it, but it's done. It's being taken care of. Forbes Magazine said a genuine connection serves as the best way for a business to bolster customer loyalty. If you talk about clients coming back again and again, we have to stay connected and make them feel special and cared for.
Part three is automating. This is going to be saving that time. I did mention before that we could schedule out those greetings and some of those things, but also automate them. Your number eight is going to be messaged templates. In the system, anytime you're sending out the same message over and over again, it might be directions to work with you, an FAQ, a welcome packet, or maybe a products menu. Anytime you're sending out a message, you can create a message template for that.
If you have a product that someone's buying online, you could set up a message template where you are going in. You're adding them to the system and sending out a thank you. You're going to grab the message template and maybe change up a couple of things. That is something that I love to do. I would like to grab a template. It saves me some time. I change up a couple of things, send that out, and make sure that I'm following up, “Thank you so much for your purchase. I wanted to find out how you're loving X.”
I also am going to go and set up a message to go out later. That's number nine, appointment reminders. That's another thing that we can schedule and make sure that we have maybe even a series of messages that go out. We also want to schedule the next appointment. A lot of times, it doesn't matter what it is that you do. If you are a coach, a service provider, or you sell a product, we feel like, “I don't want to bug people,” but we forget to set up that next appointment.
As a photographer in the photography industry for many years, that was one of the places where I saw photographers drop the ball over and over. Dennis does it. Our oil change guy does it. There are lots of businesses that do it, but why don't we tell people, “This time worked well this year? I want to go ahead and pencil you in for next year.” I can go into my BUZZY system and schedule an appointment reminder to go out. “Can you believe it's already been a year?”
Text Messaging Software: If we're not showing up, not serving well, and not following up and caring for our clients, they're going to go looking somewhere else.
As a coach, I'm going to go send out something that is going to tell them, “Let's do a follow-up call in a month. Let's go ahead and pencil that in.” I'm going to schedule it. I'm going to go into my BUZZY system and send out a message in a month. “Can you believe it's already been 30 days since we worked together? Let's hop on the phone,” if they haven't already scheduled that.
Number ten is that scheduled follow-up. This is something that is key. This is another thing where we all dropped the ball. Let's say somebody reaches out to you, whether it's email, text, instant messenger, or maybe Instagram, however they're reaching out to you. They reach out. They inquire about working with you and ask for a little bit of information. We send them an answer and then we don't hear back.
All of a sudden, we're going, “I don't want to bug them.” How many times does that run through your head? The business that stays in front of them 7 or 9 times later is the business that is going to get the job. We are all busy. You are not bugging people. You are caring well, serving well, and showing up. We have to stay in front of people. Schedule the follow-up. If somebody reaches out to you, let's say, on instant messenger and asks a question, we've had a little bit of communication.
I personally like to get people on the phone so I will say to them, “Can we jump on the phone and talk about X?” If they say, “This is not a good time,” I'm going to say, “No problem. Would it be okay with you if I follow up tomorrow? That’s great. What's the best number to reach you.” I'm going to get that information from them. I'm going to go to my BUZZY system and schedule it to go out 24 hours from that time to say, “It's Lori. I told you I would follow up with you.”
I want to keep showing up for them. That's something I can go into the system, schedule, forget, and walk away. The next day, they have that little reminder that goes out. I call those Set It and Forget It Systems. It has been a game-changer for me to be able to do this, to know that they are getting that message, and it's going to get opened. We know that only 1% of them don't and it's never when they've given us their number and we've told them, “I'm going to follow up with you tomorrow,” and then we do it. We get to set it, forget it, and walk away.
The last part of this before we close up here is duplications. We want to make sure that we have systems in place that are duplicatable. This is what allows us to keep doing the same thing in our business and making sure that things work. We always want to review and reflect. We always want to say, “What went well and what could go better? How could I keep evolving and growing this thing?” We want to put duplication systems in place.
Systems are just processes that we can easily duplicate so that we can delegate and demonstrate the way that we operate. That's my little definition of systems. I want to share that with you. You can start with a fourteen-day trial on BUZZY. That's what's got sent to your phone earlier. $10 a month to get you started. That $10 a month is going to also get you all the BUZZY features and 500 credits monthly that never expire. You're going to get a new 500 credit drop every month. Those do not go away. We know that some months you're going to need more credits than others.
Keep in mind, no matter what you are putting out into the world on social media, emails via text, we want to inspire, entertain, educate, engage and add value.
As your business grows, you'll be able to raise that monthly expense and send more messages. You can do $10 a month for as long as it serves you. It's such an easy way to get going with this system. Even if you don't have your business fully functional, don't let $10 a month be the thing that keeps you from getting new leads. You have something magical that you can put out into the world to start attracting people to you.
What is that lead magnet? What does that text-to-win contest? Maybe you don't even have the thing together yet for a contest but you could partner up with another business that’s got a thing. There's another business that's already serving your target client. Partner up with them and get that thing in front of people, so you can start building leads of people who are interested in what you have to offer. You can do that for $10 a month. That's an easy, beautiful entry point. I am also here to serve you. Once you have messaged me either the code or the lead magnet, you've got that number. I want to make sure you know that you can send a question to me at any time.
We also have an amazing customer service team. They're always there to help. When you jump into that VIP special, you are going to get 1,000 bonus credits and special training from me on getting set up, getting started, and getting that first announcement out. You want to make sure that this was better for you, your business first, and for your clients. You're going to get new leads, better engagement, stronger relationships, and a better client experience. It's better for your business.
You're talking to them the way they want to be talked to and communicated with. You will have increased revenue and better insights into your business. You will know what's working. It's better for your clients. It is more convenient. There's a lot less effort for them to get in touch with you and get ahold of you. It’s easy to engage. They do prefer it. It's the most-used channel that anyone is using and they feel cared for.
I hope that was helpful as we went through those things. I hope you got some ideas there. Whether you use BUZZY or not, I hope that was of value to you. If you do decide to use BUZZY, I hope to see you again. I hope to see you on the inside. I do have training in our Facebook group every single week. Once you joined BUZZY, you're going to get a link to that. Come in and join us. I hope to see you there. Thanks so much.
Important Links
Lori Nordstrom - Instagram
Profitable PassiveIncome Strategies - Facebook
About Lori Nordstrom
Lori Nordstrom is a life-long entrepreneur, business coach and trainer, international speaker and author. Lori has a heart for the small business owner with a priority of building "client for life" relationships. With that in mind, most recently Lori co-founded Buzzy Text. Buzzy helps small businesses communicate using simple systems for client connection.