📈 Profitable Facebook Ads For More Traffic 🚦
Is it possible for you to become $10,000 richer? There is a way to do just that using Facebook ads. In this episode, Leah Rae Getts from digitaltrailblazer.com shares the steps you must go through to achieve that. If you have time, energy, and the drive to achieve that together with the steps, earning that amount is doable, and on top of that, you could impact so many lives with the value you can share. Tune in to this episode and get your pen and paper ready for you to note down these steps on how you can scale massively using Facebook ads.
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📈 Profitable Facebook Ads For More Traffic 🚦
If you're a coach or course creator and you are looking to launch and scale either an online high-ticket or low-ticket or a coaching program, then this episode is perfect for you. This one I'm excited about. We're going to show you the 30-Day 10K Launch From Zero formula from the one and only Leah Rae Getts. Let's jump in and see how within one month from now, you can be earning $10,000 or more. Let's do this.
It's Leah Rae from DigitalTrailblazer.com, where we help coaches, experts and entrepreneurs to create, launch, sell and scale digital courses and coaching programs. In this episode, I’ve got a fun conversation. Get your pen and paper handy because we're going to dive into our 30-Day 10K Launch From Zero formula. That means if you have no online presence, no social media, no list, you don’t have anything going already for a course, you don't have it created and you're starting from zero, you could get to $10,000 in the next 30 days.
Obviously, this is an aggressive version of what we teach but it's very doable. We've had several people do this. For those of you who want to run hard now or see yourself in the future doing this, pay attention because you got to be focused. You have to have the time, energy and drive to get this done. Imagine, 30 days from now, you could be $10,000 richer. On top of that, you could have impacted so many more lives with the value you can share. There are going to be twelve different steps, so get pen and paper handy. Let's dive in.
Get The Foundations Down
Step number one is to get the foundations down. The foundations decide the result you're going to help people to get and, specifically, who you are helping. You got to get crystal clear on this so that your marketing, messaging, course or program you’re putting together all truly help and serve people, and people are going to buy it. If you have an idea of helping or serving online business owners, great, but let's get more specific than that because the reality is that there are Amazon FBA businesses, affiliate marketing businesses, and YouTubers.
There are all kinds of people online who have very different needs as business owners. If you try to lump them all together, your marketing message is going to be a bit more watered down and less effective. If I’m an Amazon seller and I see an ad that says, “How to sell five additional units a day organically from YouTube?” I want that. That's something I can start making more sales for free. I’m going to check that out because I heard them speak specifically to me and my needs for my business. That's much more powerful than trying to water down your message, and you can speak to everybody in the online business world. Don't be afraid to niche down and get super specific.
When it comes to the result, this is honestly key to getting anybody to make a purchase because the reality is there's information everywhere. We're in the information age. If you look up how to lose weight, you're going to get millions of articles, videos, and all kinds of things to help you do that. Why would someone hire a coach or buy a digital course to help them lose weight? They're not looking for the information. They're looking for the result. If you had a course that specifically showed to post-partum moms to help them lose the baby weight, that's your who and your result. As a post-partum mom, seeing an ad or webinar and getting in front of that message, “I could lose my baby weight in two months,” or whatever they're saying. That is the result that I’m willing to pay for. Have someone walk me through exactly what to do to get to the result that I want.
Start Building Your Audience
What is the result you're going to help them achieve and who exactly are you going to help to do that? Step number two is to start building your audience. Do not wait on this. As soon as you know who you're going to help and how you're going to help them, you need to build an audience. People oftentimes wait too long to do this because it's putting themselves out there. It's starting to attract attention and it might make them uncomfortable. Guess what? If you want to make big money and big impact, you have to get uncomfortable. Get out of that comfort zone. As soon as you know who you're going to help and how you're going to help them do that and what results they're going to get, you need to attract that specific clientele. People who are interested in that thing who fit your potential customer, you got to start attracting them to you.
Don't be afraid to niche down and get super specific. This is the key to getting anybody to purchase.
What method do you want to use to grow your audience? Honestly, there are a million under the sun, but creating a community is an amazing asset for your business long-term and works well for selling courses and coaching programs. I highly suggest, at this stage, you start up your Facebook group, and this is going to be your nurture group where you're going to nurture people. They can join for free, and you're going to build up that know, like and trust factor with that group. In that group, you're going to give tons of value, tips and live training. You’re going to do all kinds of fun stuff in that group to keep it active and also help your audience, the people you're bringing into the group to see you as an authority in this space.
If you're the one in there doing the lives and giving them some information that they didn't previously have, that authority level just stuck up a notch. When you eventually have an offer to put in front of them, they will have their credit card in hand, ready to purchase. How do you build that group? You can do it organically. You can invite people and engage across Facebook and different groups and different places where your potential audience may hang out, offer them value, and welcome them to the group. That's too slow for a true 30-day from scratch process though. Even if you're not trying to do this in 30 days, I would still suggest speeding this up a little bit because you want bigger results.
If you want to go a little bit faster, leverage paid ads. They are powerful. You could create a free PDF download that fits your target audience and is related to the result you're going to help them get in your program like some tip sheet, guide hack or whatever they're going to find value in. Create a PDF for that, and then you can run a Facebook ad giving away that free PDF. When people go to download that free PDF, they have to give you their name and email on a capture page. This is great because you're building an email list. On the thank you page after they've put in their information, not only are you going to give them the download but you're also going to invite them to join your group. You're building your email list and Facebook group at the same time.
The more you can hit people from different angles, both from your email list and Facebook, you're going to speed up that process of warming up that lead. You're going to shorten the timeframe it's going to take to move them towards making a purchase. You continue step number two the entire way. Keep going with step number two as long as you want to be selling your course or coaching program. Keep growing that group. Keep engaging and giving value because you're going to have the hottest leads come from that group.
Sit Down And Outline Your Course
Step number three is to sit down and outline your course. Essentially, you're going to lay out the modules. Start with the end in mind. What is the result they're going to get? Back up and break that down into the different modules that you're going to need to cover and what is going to be in those modules. You don't have to start shooting videos. You can create an outline 4, 5 or 6 modules long and write down all of the things you're going to cover in each of the modules. You don't have to start shooting it right away. Honestly, we're not going to shoot it until after we sell it. That is how we speed this process up so much and get you to $10,000 within 30 days.
How long should your course be? As long as it needs to be to get them to the result that they want. My husband, Todd, who I work with said that if he could have created our program that we sell in three modules, he would have still sold it for the same amount of money if it got the same results because people could go through it faster.” It's a little more complicated, and he can't do it in three modules, so it's a bit longer.
How long should your course be? Typically, know that courses are usually between 4 and 9 modules. You may have an outlier to that. It needs to make sense. If you're doing some pretty basic stuff, you shouldn't have fifteen modules. Remember, at this point, you're only outlining. You don't have to start shooting or anything else. You need to know what you're going to cover in your course so that you can effectively sell it.
Set Up Logistics
Step number four is setting up logistics. Not super exciting, but it’s the thing you need to do before you're actually ready to launch. You need to set up your payment processing and your order page. You need to set up the hosting site and/or a Facebook group to use for your beta launch, which I highly suggest that you do. We'll get into that in a moment. You need to create the follow-up series for people who register for your beta webinar but they don't attend. There's another one. If they attend, but they don't watch the whole thing and they don't see the pitch. There's another series. If they see the pitch, but they don't purchase.
You have to set up those emails to build the hole in the leaky bucket. Those leads that you have, you want to give them a chance to get in front of that offer and make that purchase. The final part of setting up the logistics is actually setting up your sales process. Are you going to do a couple of day workshop or a three-day workshop with a little webinar at the end? Are you going to push them right into a webinar? What does that look like? You have to prepare the webinar, all the slides and the things you're going to go over to take them along that emotional journey to get them to purchase your program at the end. Remember, all the while, you're still growing that audience.
Launch That Baby
Step number five is the exciting part. This is potentially within 3 or 4 weeks. This is where you start making money. It all depends on how fast you've been able to go through everything else, build up the audience, and warm them up enough. Step number five is launch. This is going to be your beta launch, and it's the first group of people that you're going to sell your program to. You can sell them in a one-time webinar or a workshop for a couple of days and the final day being a webinar, but you're to offer your program at a fairly discounted rate.
Let’s say your long-term goal is to have your program at $997. A fair price for the beta version that the first time people are going through it would be $497. Essentially, you're giving them a discount to be a little more forgiving with you in the process, knowing that this is the first time the program is out and there may be some kinks along the road. They're going to help you work through those and help make a better program in the end. The beta launch is about testing your sales process and your program itself.
You're going to test how well everything converts along the way in your sales process. You're also going to be testing how good is your training, and how good is all of it help people get amazing results. Your beta program is critical to the long-term success of your offer. Let's look at some numbers. If you are offering your beta program at $497, in order to make $10,000 in that 30-day period, you only need to make twenty sales. If your webinar converts at 10% of registrants, meaning that 10% of all the webinar registrants actually make a purchase, then you only need 200 registrants for your webinar. If you have effectively been doing what we told you in step number two, which is building and engaging with an audience, you're going to get that.
Keep moving through the program, and keep the beta launch people motivated on top of that. That is how they can easily give you testimonies.
Deliver Your Program
You've launched from scratch in 30 days making $10,000 or more. I did say twelve steps, so what are all the other steps? How you grow past that because you have to deliver the program. Remember, you haven't even recorded anything yet. You're number six is delivering your program. Whether that's coaching or a digital course, you're going to deliver that live over several weeks. Typically, people usually do one module per week. If it's a six-module course, over six weeks is pretty normal. You have two ways of delivering the training that are acceptable in beta launches. People will either train live on Zoom, where they've got all of their notes in front of them and go through everything live on Zoom, or you can record the videos for the module each week.
You have an entire seven days to record your modules, get them edited and release them on a specific day every single week. You can piecemeal create the program over the six weeks you're working with them. In addition to delivering the different modules over those weeks, you also need to engage with your beta launch. You should be using live Q&A sessions on a weekly basis, at least within your beta launch, because that's how you get the feedback from your people that something wasn't quite as clear as it needs to be. There are some questions here or people are struggling with this so that you can make your program even better.
It's important that you do have a Facebook group just for your paid customers because that is how you keep them engaged. You allow them to ask questions, keep moving through the program, and keep them motivated. On top of that, that is how they can easily give you testimonies. That’s what allows you to do all the other steps we're going to talk about. You need amazing testimonies from this beta launch, so pour into your students. Go above and beyond because the more amazing testimonies you create during that beta launch, that's going to allow you to sell to cold traffic and skip having to warm people up.
Collect Testimonies And Reward Them
You're able to drive cold traffic to your offer and convert it because of all of the amazing testimonies you can put into that sales process. As you're working with your students and you see them starting to get results, step number seven is collecting testimonies and rewarding them, even if it's socially, calling them out, and congratulating them in the group or publicly on your personal profile for their successes. Get people to share with you their wins within the Facebook group, both in video and text format, because that's critical to step number eight.
Refine Your Webinar And Your Followup Emails
Step number eight is simply to refine your webinar, follow-up emails, and sales process to include these amazing testimonies that your beta group is producing. Step number eight is to start incorporating the testimonies into the sales process. Step number nine is to refine your training based on the feedback of your beta members.
Refine Your Training Based On The Feedback Of Your Beta Members
This will be pretty clear to you as you're working with them hands-on. There are going to be parts of your course that you're going to need to add another little video, do some further explanation, add a download, a tip sheet or a worksheet for them to help them be crystal clear and get better results. Step number nine is improving your program to make it even better.
Make Some Money Again
If you delivered your training live during the beta launch via Zoom and you didn't have it pre-recorded, this is where you'll definitely want to sit down and pre-record a more polished version of it. Step number 10, start making some money again. This is where you start running live webinars that you fill up with paid traffic. This isn't the end goal. We don't want to have to keep doing live webinars, but this is part of the testing process before we can automate. It's important to note that live webinars are going to convert better than automated webinars. We want to test this with live webinars to make sure we're converting well enough that we can take a little hit on that and automate the process.
What does this look like? Simply run Facebook ads to register for your upcoming webinar on Thursday night or whatever. In that webinar, you are going to be introducing yourself. Remember, they came from an ad, and you are totally brand new to them. You're going to start your webinar off by introducing yourself. Throughout the webinar, you're going to give them some value, teach them some things, take them through that psychological journey of an amazing webinar, and incorporate all of those amazing testimonies you've just collected to help close the sale.
The question is, how do you know when to automate your program? You essentially need to run enough traffic through your live once or twice a week or whatever webinars to be able to read the analytics and conversion rates of what you're doing so that you can say, “If I put in $1 of ad spend, I’ve got it all converting well enough that I get $4 out.” Remember, once you start doing these live webinars, you're not selling at $497. You might be doing incrementally up to $997, or if you crushed it in the beta launch, you could probably go right to your $997 price point.
You're evaluating your conversion rates, the cost per lead, and everything to make sure that this is going to work well for you. If it doesn't the first time you do a live webinar, that's totally cool. You continue to adjust and refine the process. You might do 2 or 3 live webinars before you get happy with the results. I’ll be honest when Todd and I first started selling on webinars, we did it for two months. It was the first time we had ever done anything like that. We were bad at it and didn't have a lot of guidance. If you get guidance and you have a coach or someone helping you with this, you can go a lot faster. You want to make sure you have that webinar down and it's converting well.
Set Up Your Automated Sales Process
You can effectively drive cold traffic through it and make sales, and then you get to the fun part. This is step number twelve. That's automating it. Setting up your automated sales process. This is where you are driving traffic from Facebook, YouTube, Google or wherever, and they're getting into your sales webinar that's prerecorded. You might be over at the beach, sipping a margarita, and your webinar is doing the selling for you. You then have all of the follow-up email series going. Everything is streamlined so that you can convert cold traffic using automated webinars. Once you've driven traffic enough through that, you can see that if I put in $1, I’m getting $2.50 out. It’s beautiful. Start scaling. You start low, but as you see your numbers look good, you start inching up the amount that you're spending in ad spend.
Before you know it, you could be up at $8,000 or $10,000 a day in ads. If you're putting in $1 and getting $2.50 out, I’ll give you all the money I have in Facebook ads to scale massively and get to those big numbers. These points that I walk you through can take you from $0 to $10,000 in 30 days. I'll be honest, this is what took my husband and me several years ago when we started digital courses from $0 to $100,000 a month in seven months’ time. It is a very powerful process and formula that you can leverage effectively for your business.
We do have a nice little giveaway for you. It is our automated course sales toolkit. This is a combination of a PDF and a video to help you understand the automated system, all of the tech, and the pieces of the puzzle that you need to put together to create a massively streamlined successful sales machine. If this sounds amazing and you want to do this in your business, we have a free Facebook group where we are doing live training at least a couple of times a week to help you through this process. It's called our Profitable Course Creators Group. Thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to hearing your amazing success stories. Take care.
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About Leah Rae Getts
Leah Rae & Todd are the owners of DigitalTrailblazer.com and specialize in helping experts, coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs to create, launch, sell, and scale profitable online courses and coaching programs.
They are award-winning marketers and sought-after speakers, having been recognized for their success in the industry by multiple organizations, and featured on stage, in podcasts, as well as in other interviews and articles.
They started their online business with no experience - Leah a previous nurse, and Todd, a band teacher. But despite their lack of experience, they took action, learned from their failures, and eventually developed a system that anyone can use to create a profitable online course or coaching business.