Feed 9 Platforms In Only 5 Days 🗓️ Content Creation for Social Media 📲
Content creation is the key to any successful business, especially now. But you don’t have to overwork yourself just to consistently put out quality content. In fact, you can create a month’s worth of content for multiple platforms at once! Want to learn how? In this episode, Adrienne Hill debunks some of the most prevalent myths regarding content creation. Plus, she shares the secret of how you can turn one video into 30 pieces of content across nine platforms in only five days. Stay tuned and get free training and practical advice to help you manage your content better!
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Feed 9 Platforms In Only 5 Days 🗓️ Content Creation for Social Media 📲
Impactful Entrepreneur Show Free Training
I am here to talk to you about content creation. Specifically, I'm going to tell you about three myths that have been making content creation way harder for you than it needs to be. I'm going to give you the key to how you can turn 1 video into 30 pieces of content across 9 platforms in only 5 days. If you stick with me to the end, I will not only break through all those myths for you but I will tell you exactly how you can get guided help from me to create these 30 pieces of content and use this content creation hack that I'm about to tell you. Be sure to stick around for the end and I will fill you in on how you can get my help to do that.
For now, let's jump into all things content creation and break down some of those myths that are probably holding you back, slowing you down or frankly, just wasting your time. Anyone who has been an entrepreneur for any amount of time knows that content creation is where it's at. It's the key to running a successful business. If you're not putting out any content of any type, you're not going to get any leads or interests. Regardless of what other strategies or tactics you might be using, creating content is key.
If you're not putting out any content of any type, you're not going to get any leads or interests.
If you are wanting to attract clients, customers or sales from social media, content is how you get their attention, how you serve and help them, and let them know that what you have can solve a problem for them or take them to the next step of whatever it is that they're trying to accomplish. Content is huge. A lot of people, once they realize that content is the key to getting leads, customers and sales, they move into some regular cadence of content creation. Let me know if you are in that content creation hamster wheel as I like to call it.
In the beginning, it can be exciting to finally be able to share what you have with your audience. Over time, it can get exhausting. That's why I referred to it as the hamster wheel. You're going in circles and realizing this is never going to end. Is anyone feeling like that? If so, let me know that that's where you're at. There are a few things that are making it harder than it needs to be. What I'm here to share with you is some of those myths that are probably holding you back, slowing you down, or just wasting your time. Let's jump right into them.
Myth number one is that you should only focus on one platform at a time and master that platform before you try to move on to any others. This is probably the most prevalent myth that I have heard. It's incredible how many people teach this and hold firm to this as this is a must. There are times when it's true. That's why so many people teach it. It's not a complete lie or it wasn't in the past but things have changed.
One thing I want you to keep on top of mind is that online business, social media, and the tools you can use to manage your business are constantly changing. What used to be true may not be true anymore. The entrepreneurs that are the most successful in business are the ones who are constantly questioning all of the facts, staying on top of what's changing and therefore, catching myths when they happen before they can get stuck in midland. Why did this use to be true and it's no longer true? When is this true and when is it not true?
When it comes to content creation, you should focus on one platform. If you are manually creating the content yourself, uploading it yourself, and you’re the one on your phone doing it all manually, then yes. If you are trying to feed multiple social media platforms and you're manually doing everything yourself, you're going to get overwhelmed, burnt out, and you're going to fail. In that sense, it's a good idea to focus on one platform. That's why so many people teach this.
Content Creation: The tools you can use to manage your business are constantly changing.
However, if you have a team that is helping you to create content and you're not the only one doing it all or even if you don't have a team, you're a solo entrepreneur but you're properly using smart tools that allow you to schedule your content onto multiple platforms without doing any extra work, then it makes sense to be on more than one platform at a time.
If you have a system that allows you to create large libraries of content at a time like 30 pieces of content that I'm about to tell you, then you have these big banks of content that you can schedule out over time and have plenty of time before the next piece of content needs to be loaded in. There is no need to struggle with content creation or run out. Therefore, when you have tons of time on your side and you're using smart scheduling tools that allow all of this to happen on autopilot, there's no reason that you can't be on more than one platform at a time.
That's why this is a huge myth and the number one thing that’s holding most people back from having more of a seamless, low-stress content creation system. You're probably wondering, “What cadence could I and should I have? What scheduling tools should I be using that allow me to do this? How do I create 30 pieces of content at once?” I will get there. If you hang to the end, I will fill you in on that.
Myth number two is that in terms of how often you're on that hamster wheel, you need to create content every day or every week. I'm here to tell you that that's not true. It comes back to what we talked about. If you have a smart system that allows you to take one simple video and multiply it into 30 pieces of content, you could plan out those 30 pieces of content over 30 days and not have to create another piece of content for a whole month.
All of your social platforms can be full of content. Your audience can be very happy with everything that they're seeing. You can open up more breathing room than you could even imagine. Imagine if your regular cadence was to post every other day and you had 30 pieces of content. That's two months’ worth of content by filming one video and going through one round of content duplication.
There's no reason that you need to create content every day or every week. If you want to slow down that hamster wheel and not have to run so darn fast to keep your social media platforms filled with content, then you're going to want to stick around to the end because I'm going to fill you in on the secret on how to do this.
Myth number three is that you should not ever reuse or recycle content because your audience will notice and/or they'll realize that it's not fresh. If you're not having fresh content every day, you're going to lose their interest or you're going to stop being relevant. For anyone who's been in business for any period of time, don’t you have certain offers that you promote again and again? I bet you do. Most of us do.
We have a handful of offers that are perfectly tailored to our audience that we talk about over and over. Maybe they're 6 weeks or 6 months in between each time that we promote that particular offer. If you are constantly having to find new offers to promote, you're going crazy. You repromote offers. If you repromote offers, why wouldn't you reuse content? It makes sense.
Content Creation: If you have a smart system that allows you to take one simple video and multiply it into 30 pieces of content, you could plan out those 30 pieces of content over 30 days and not have to create another piece of content for a whole month.
Here's the other thing that makes that completely false. Let's say that you have a particular offer that you've decided you're going to promote once per quarter. You come up with a handful of social posts or emails related to that particular offer to let your audience know that you have some great value to share with them. I promise you, no one is paying so much attention to you that if you make a post that's the same or very similar to something you posted three months ago, that they're going to comment and be like, “I’ve seen this one before.”
It's not going to happen, especially if it's well-crafted content with good copywriting and powerful imagery. There's no reason that you can't reuse it. Even the people who have already logically figured that out may not do it simply because they don't have the means to do it. How do you keep track of all this and redo it over and over again? That's why as tools change and new tools become available, you should be on the leading edge of that.
As tools change and new tools become available, you should be on the leading edge of that.
There are tools out there that will allow you to create libraries of content, say a library full of 30 pieces of content that are specific to one offer that you have that you want to promote once every quarter. You can hit play when you want all that content to go out across your social platforms and then hit pause when you want it to stop. That's the thing.
There's no reason that you can't make content creation so much easier on yourself. If this is sounding good to you, let me know in the comments that you would love to either slow down your content creation hamster wheel or maybe get off and take a break for a while. If you would love to know a little bit more about these tricks, I invite you to join me for the Content Multiplier Promotion Method Challenge, which is a free challenge that I'm hosting inside of a private Facebook group, where I will teach you and show you over the course of 5 days how you can turn 1 video into 30 pieces of content across 9 platforms in only 5 days.
I will show you how to make content creation so much easier, faster, lower stress, and create some balance in your life, where now when you have these nice libraries of content specific to a particular offer, you can recycle them on whatever cadence you need to, to promote that offer again and again. If that's something you're interested in and you would like some help with making content creation easier and love to bust through some of these myths, then join me in the challenge. It's going to be super fun and live in a Facebook group. I will screen share with you and show you exactly how to do it, the exact tools that I use, and how quick and easy it can be. Please join me there. I will see you guys on the other side.
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