Target Market 101 - Creating Your Ideal Customer Profile


In the world of online marketing, where there are literally millions of people to attract and connect with, identifying and catering to your target market is critical.

The biggest mistake I see time and time again as people move from “novice” marketing that relies on a small warm market with high rapport to a more “professional” marketing strategy that relies on putting your message in front of larger audiences….. is lack of identifying your target market.

Creating an Ideal Customer Profile is both liberating to the business owner and helpful to your customer base!

Once you start serving a larger market, you can be a bit picker about who you serve and how, when, and where you serve them.

Do you work best with women exclusively? Great - target women! Do you connect best with corporate focused males who are very data driven? Fantastic - target men in corporate settings. You get to CHOOSE who you work best with and cater to that audience.

And they will get more value and will be drawn to you MORE once you do this.

So say goodbye to a “lack mindset” that revolves around thinking there’s “not enough” of a market for you and instead embrace an abundance mindset and an Ideal Customer Profile. Learn how here:

Apply your Customer Profile to high ticket offers for BIG commissions: ➡️ 🎯 Target Market | Make More Sales by Creating Your Ideal Customer Profile 👤 -------- SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL ------------ ➡️ If you want to get more leads and make more sales, you need to put your offer in front of your target market.

Learn the two best ways to apply your ideal customer profile to make money online:

Affiliate Marketing ➡️

Network Marketing ➡️