How to Get 10k Instagram Followers from your Target Market


In the world of online marketing, where there are literally millions of people to attract and connect with, identifying and catering to your target market is critical.

Sure, getting 10k followers on Instagram is great - but not if they are all random people who have no interest in what you are offering. Would you rather have 10k followers who are low quality and are likely to ignore your message? Or would you rather have 10k followers who are raving fans that are dying to engage with you and purchase your offers?

That’s what I thought!

The reason that 10k is the threshold that everyone aspires to reach is because it enables the “swipe up” feature within Instagram stories. Up until you have 10k followers, you can only have one link on your entire Instagram account - so you have to use it wisely!

Getting 10k followers on Instagram is critical because it enables the “swipe up” feature within Instagram stories

BUT, once you hit 10k followers, you can have one link on your profile AND you can embed links into each and every story that you share if you want to!

Once you factor in that you can choose certain stories to feature as permanent highlights, you can really open the door to create opportunities for your audience to purchase your products and services any time they stop by your profile.

Check out last week’s blog on how to identify your target market and create your Ideal Customer Profile if you’re not sure how to do that yet. And then watch the video below to learn how to translate that Ideal Customer Profile into targeted Instagram followers from your target market!

Instagram Webinar & Training ➡️ INSTAGRAM PROFITS PLAYBOOK

REAL followers who WANT what you are offering! ➡️ 👥 10,000 Followers on Instagram- All Organic Followers from Your Target Market 🎯 -------- SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL ------------ ➡️ Did you know that getting 10,000 followers on Instagram is a huge benefit to your business?

take your instagram game to the next level and get 10k followers 50 times faster with this training:

Instagram Webinar & Training ➡️ INSTAGRAM PROFITS PLAYBOOK