📱 Key Social Media Sales Funnel For Earning 6-Figures 💰
How do you build an effective social media sales funnel to convert up to 80% of your leads? Host Adrienne Hill, the CEO of Build A Life By Design, discusses the importance of the call funnel. It's easier to build trust and relationships when you're face to face. So inviting people to book a call results in higher conversions than leading them to a webpage. But there’s one more critical component you need to add to make your sales funnel convert like crazy. Tune in to find out!
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📱 Key Social Media Sales Funnel For Earning 6-Figures 💰
Impactful Entrepreneur Show Free Training
Have you ever wondered to set up a funnel for your business on social media in a super low-tech, low cost, easy to execute, easy to duplicate way? You are in for a treat. In this episode, I'm going to break down not only a simple social media sales funnel that you can set up specifically to drive traffic from social media but it is low-tech and low cost if you are inept with marketing. It’s easy to duplicate, and it’s the exact funnel setup. I used to earn 6 figures in 6 months in my own business, so let’s dive in to know what it looks like.
I help coaches, course creators, and network and affiliate marketers like you to build the skills, structure, and systems that you need to build a thriving business through social media, and specifically, I teach people how to set up a six-figure social media sales machine. This is a super systematized process to help you scale to six figures on social media as quickly as possible. In this episode, I'm going to share a component or a part of that six-figure social media sales machine, and I call it the six-figure book-to-call funnel.
What’s A Sales Funnel?
I have talked to a lot of people over the years, and everyone loves the idea of an automated funnel that gets them sales but most people don't understand what a funnel is, and when it comes to automating their business, it feels super intimidating to do that. In our minds, we think of it as a super high-tech, complicated and expensive process. I’m specifically going to show you a part of that machine but it is super low-tech, it's easy to set up and can work for anyone, whether you are a coach, a course creator, or even a network marketer or affiliate marketer.
I will explain to you how simple a social media funnel can be, exactly what that looks like and how you can set it up for yourself. We are going to jump into the training. Let's dig into exactly what the six-figure book-to-call social media funnel looks like. This is the funnel that I used to activate a part of my social media sales machine to earn 6 figures in only 6 months in business. Let's dive into the good stuff.
Social Media Sales Funnel: The best funnels automate as much of the process as possible.
How many of you have heard the saying, “It's a numbers game?” When it comes to building an online business or building a business through social media, it's all a numbers game. Have you heard that before? I have a slightly different saying, and it goes like this, “It’s a numbers game if you do it right.” There's a right way and a wrong way but it's only a numbers game if you do it right. I'm going to share with you some of the mistakes that you might be making, how to correct those, how to set up a successful book-to-call social media funnel, and how simple it can be.
The truth is that simple social media funnels are the key to success. They do not have to be high-tech, complicated and expensive. You simply need to know the basic structure to set up, and once you set it up, it works like magic. It is super simple, and that's why it works for anyone, even network marketers. I almost think they have the toughest hurdle because not only does it have to work for them, it has to work for an entire downline of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people, so it has to be simple. This is simple enough to work even for them. Let's dig into what that looks like
Building an online business through social media is a numbers game if you do it right.
A lot of people don't understand what is a funnel. A lot of people imagine some super high-tech, expensive thing, but honestly, a funnel is simply a repeated number of exposures to information to drive someone to make a purchase. Any way that you are giving someone a repeated number of exposures to information is a funnel. Some can be more manual where every single exposure point is you are doing it yourself or you are manually doing it but they can also be automated.
Regardless of whether it's manual or automated, at the heart of a funnel is super simple. It's just a repeated number of exposures that helps someone to make a buying decision, and on average, it takes the average person 6 to 12 exposures to information to be ready to buy. Do you want them to get those 6 to 12 exposures over 6 to 12 months or maybe 6 to 12 days? The faster they go through that exposure process, the faster they are able to make their buying decision, and the faster you can get a paying client or customer. It is that simple.
Now that we know it's just a repeated series of exposure points to information, we can start digging a little deeper. Each of those exposure points can be different. It can be anything from a social media post to downloading a PDF guide or a checklist. It could be a webinar, looking at a webpage, having a conversation through a DM, meeting with someone on Zoom or any exposure. In theory, the best funnels have a variety of exposure types. You are exposed to information in a lot of different ways but it's simply multiple exposures to information.
Social Media Sales Funnel: You need to know how to market your offers.
Ideally, the best funnels automate as much of this process as possible so that it's mostly automated with maybe a few manual touchpoints mixed in. Now that we have wrapped our head around what a funnel actually is as a series of exposures, you may be realizing like, “I'm running a funnel already in my own business. I didn't even know it because no one had ever defined it this way before,” but you probably are. You are trying to expose your potential followers, audience or people on social media, to information every day, and here's what I usually see with most people. It’s that most people aren't confident about what to say or how to say it on social.
They are not necessarily good marketers yet, so they guess, and it's okay if that's where you are starting. You guess what to post. If their marketing isn't good or if they don't yet understand effective marketing. People see that post where they were guessing on what to say and how to say it, and it raises resistance and they think, “I’m going to ignore that post.” If you are not getting any engagement on social media, chances are you are guessing what to say, and it's not quite right, so people are ignoring you. It’s normal.
What happens then to most people is that they are like, “Maybe I need to be interacting with people one-on-one, but again, I don't know what to say or how to say it, so I'm going to use some copy and paste scripts that I’ve got from someone. I'm going to send out a bunch of messages because it’s a numbers game. I just need to send out a whole bunch of prospecting messages.” If you don't have a good script or you don't understand marketing or copywriting, and you don't really know what to say and what you are sending isn't effective, people see those messages, and they go, “I'm going to ignore that message.” Is this happening to you? Can you relate to this?
This is what happens to the vast majority of people I talk to, so don't worry. You are not alone if you are feeling this way. As the business owner, it gets frustrating. You are like, “I don't know what to say in my posts. I'm not sure what I'm saying wrong in these messages but I know it's important to get myself out there and keep going, so I'm going to continue to guess on what to post and try a variety of different copy-paste scripts to send to people the messages.” At the end of the day, you go through all this work, and nobody is buying. Does this sound like you? Does this sound like the current funnel that you are using?
I would say this is the funnel of 90% of the people I talk to, so I'm here to tell you that if this is your reality, you need a new funnel. That's why I put together this training for you because I want to let you know what a simple social media funnel looks like that can get you some results. Let's break it down a little bit. Let's take the simplest funnel ever.
It's easier to build trust and relationships when you're face to face.
You put out some content on social media. It could be a post, a live video, a Reel or a TikTok. It could be whatever. You put out content, and hopefully, it's attraction marketing content. Hopefully, you are attracting people with your content but you put some content out. For most people, you are sending a message to connect with anyone interested, and then eventually, most people direct them to some website and hope that they get a sale.
In another version, maybe you are simply making the post and relying entirely on prospecting messages, or maybe in a different version, you are making a post, and that post itself has a link to a website that you are hoping people are going to go to the website, check it out and make a purchase. These are the funnels most people use. This is what I would call a basic sales funnel.
How To Market Your Offers
With this type of funnel, the success, meaning how many actual sales you get or revenue you are generating, relies entirely on high converting marketing and copywriting. You need to know how to market your offers. You need to know what to say, how to say it, and the exact copywriting that's going to convert. If you have never heard of copywriting before, copywriting is a very specific version of marketing that is designed to convert to an actual sale.
The success of these types of funnels relies on the success of high converting marketing and copywriting, and if you are not an expert marketer, you are going to struggle if this is the type of funnel you are using. That's why I want to teach you a different or a better way because, even if you are an expert marketer, the best marketers out there only convert with this type of funnel anywhere from 2% to 10%. If you are sharing content on social media, and ultimately, driving towards some sort of webpage or a conversation that can get them to a webpage, 2% to 10% is the reality of what's normal, and that 2% to 10% is for expert marketers, so if you are not an expert, it's going to be less than that. This is normal. These are industry standards.
Social Media Sales Funnel: The magic to the six-figure book to call funnel is the info document.
When I say convert, what does that mean? A 2% to 10% conversion rate means that out of every 100 people who take a look at your offer, anywhere from 2 to 10 of them will purchase it. If you are trying to earn a significant amount of money with your business like coaching, course creation, network marketing, affiliate marketing or whatever it may be. If your conversion rates are only 2% to 10%, you are going to have to talk to and get your offer in front of hundreds and hundreds of people. That's why I said it's only a numbers game if you do it right.
If you are converting on that basic funnel structure, 2 to 10 out of every 100 people purchasing is very small. As I said, it's only a numbers game if you do it. If you are relying on that type of funnel, you are playing the numbers game but you are probably going to lose, and that’s why I want to show you a better way. That's your basic sales funnel. Some social media content may or may not include messages, and it drives towards a webpage.
Now, I want to share a different funnel. It's equally simple but way more effective, and it starts exactly the same way. It starts with social media content. A lot of times, it involves some DMs or messages but where it changes or where it gets different is that, instead of just directing them to a page, you invite them to book a call with you. You invite them to hop on the phone with you, and you meet them, whether it's on the phone or Zoom. I personally like Zoom because you can see each other face-to-face. That is a different type of funnel. That's what I call a book-to-call funnel. You are asking them to book a call with you, and that Zoom call is now one of those exposure points. It’s very similar. It starts the same but it simply ends differently.
Here's why a book-to-call is so powerful. If we look at that book-to-call funnel structure, instead of relying on expert marketing and copywriting to get the sale, it relies on connection and relationship building. It relies on whether or not the person that you are getting on the call with knows, likes, and trusts you. When they first find your content, they may be a total stranger but if your content speaks to them and if you know what to say to them, once they hop on that call with you, it's so much easier to build know, like, and trust when you are face-to-face. Instead of converting at 2% to 10%, typically, it converts anywhere from 10% to 80%. It's different. It's a much higher conversion rate.
A 10% to 80% conversion rate means that out of every 100 people you talk to, anywhere from 10 to 80 of them will make a purchase. That's a very high conversion rate compared to your basic sales funnel. The 10 to 80, that's a big range, we totally get it. When you are new and learning what to do, you might be closer to 10%, but as you do this more and you get more experience under your belt, and you learn how to do this, you will get closer to that 80%. Imagine that 80 out of every 100 people you talk to is purchasing your offer. It's different, isn’t it?
Info Document Converts 80%
Would you rather have 2 to 10 purchases or 10 to 80 purchases for every 100 people you talk to? This part is obvious but I wanted to give you a clean comparison point. Clearly, everyone is going to want the 10 to 80 purchases. That's how you can build a thriving business. Let's break down exactly how to do that. Here's that basic structure I showed you, that social media funnel or that book-to-call funnel, and I made one tiny adjustment to this funnel, and it increased my conversions dramatically. For me personally, when I made this tiny change, I went from converting roughly 40% up to about 75% to 80% with this one small change.
Sharing your success story is a powerful way to sell your product or service.
It starts the same. You share content on social media. It may or may not involve some DM messaging back and forth where you invite them to a call, and then it's one tiny change. Instead of going right to the call, you send them an info document. It’s nothing crazy. It’s just one simple document that you ask them to review before your phone call, and it dramatically increases your conversions of how many clients or customers you get in those phone calls.
The magic to the six-figure book-to-call funnel is this info document. Let's break down what is so magical about this document. The thing that I love about it is it's not high-tech at all. Nothing in this funnel is very high-tech. If you consider Zoom high tech, I guess but everyone is so used to Zoom now, it's not a big deal to hop on a Zoom call with someone.
If we take a closer look at this info document, what's in there? There's a repeated number of exposures to information within a single document, and it all happens on autopilot because you create the document once, and you can share it with hundreds or even thousands of people. You only need to take the time to create at once but all those exposure points are automated.
The first thing I recommend sharing is some success stories related to whatever it is you are trying to sell. You can share with them a webinar. That would be a great thing to include in this document. It can be somewhere where they can simply click, and it will pull up a webinar they can watch. You can share lots of results or examples of results people are getting with the product or service that you are talking about, you can directly address any objections that they might have. You can do it with a prerecorded video or some information. You can address their objections. You can answer their frequently asked questions. All of these things are included in this one simple document.
As you can see, the document itself has multiple exposures to information. The document itself is a funnel but it's super simple. Anyone can make this thing. You don't have to be a techie at all to do this, and that's what I love about it. The secret is this info document. You simply share some attraction marketing on social media, and when people react to it going, “I love this. Tell me how, show me how, or where do I get more information,” you simply say, “Grab some time with me. I will send you an info document, and then I will answer any questions on our call.” You give them this info document, and the info document is all of those repeated exposures all in one handy document.
By the time they meet with you, they are ready to buy, and you get way more clients and customers out of the back end. It is so simple. Anyone can do this. Coaches, course creators, network marketers or affiliate marketers, anyone can use this method, and it's so easy. I'm going to share with you the info document that I use and give my clients to use. You can learn some examples of what are those repeated exposures of information or document look like.
The first step is to share a success story. Whatever it is that you are selling or sharing, share a success story of what can happen when you do this, whatever this is or whatever it is you are selling. I share my own success story in mine, and then if you don't have your own success story, don't worry. You can share other people's success stories. It doesn't have to be yours. I know a lot of people in network marketing are worried like, “I haven't had success yet.” Your upline probably has or someone in your company has. Share their success stories.
You share a success story, then you generally share maybe it's a webinar or some info videos. You can even include an application if you want people to apply, fill out a survey or whatever you want. Usually, a mix of videos and surveys is great. Show some examples of results people have gotten with your products, services, coaching program or whatever it is.
Have real people talking about what their experience has been like. It can be nice to show a mix of videos as well as screenshots from social media comments or testimonials. Show them that real people are getting real results with your product or service, and then include some additional information, whether it's videos or maybe it's like a case study.
These can be things that address common objections because then instead of you having to address the objections on the phone call, their objections are addressed by this document, and it takes a lot of the pressure off of you, and then answer some frequently asked questions. A simple list like this question and answer will do fine. You can see that none of this is crazy. You might have to film a video or two or find videos that other people have filmed and simply add them to your document but that's all it takes.
In this very simple six-figure book-to-call funnel, the document does all the heavy lifting for you, and the document has many info sources all in one simple document, and we are not talking about a twelve-page document. It's maybe 3 or 4 pages tops. The thing I love about it is you can create it on Canva. If you haven't heard of Canva, it's a web platform where you can create free graphics and stuff. There are free plans on Canva. You don't even need the paid plan to make this thing, and then you simply either need to film some videos or find some videos that someone else has made talking about their results or success, and simply add them to the document.
It’s not high-tech at all. You just need Canva and the ability to either film or find some videos that other people have made, and you are done. It’s super simple to make. If you are wondering, “What about all the stuff that comes before and after that video or that document? The marketing on social media, knowing what to say in the messages, getting someone to book the call, hopping on the Zoom call with someone.” All that's left is knowing what to say and how to say it.
If you know what to say and how to say it to get people to take a look at your offer and you have this simple info document, that's all it takes. On the front end, when it comes to knowing what to say on social media to get people to book this call with you in the first place, you just need to learn a little bit of marketing and copywriting. It doesn't even need to be world-class. It could be average, and it can still work.
All you need to do is find someone who can teach you some basic marketing and copywriting concepts. That's all you need. You just need the formula to follow of what to say and how to say it. On the backend, when you are on the video call with someone, as I said, by the time they get to that call, they are pretty much ready to buy already. They know everything they need to know. They have had all those repeated exposures already to your information. All you need to do is learn how to sell with a heart of service rather than being salesy. I offer simple $27 or $37 training on all of these things. This is not overly complicated stuff. It's pretty basic.
Social Media Sales Funnel: All you need is to find someone who can teach you basic marketing and copywriting concepts.
It comes down to knowing what to say, how to say it and having this document, and then using this funnel. The great news is, many parts of this funnel can either be fully automated or semi-automated. The only part you can't automate is the video call itself. You want to get on and have a real conversation person-to-person there but the rest of it can either be semi-automated or fully automated.
Once you make that info document once, you can use it hundreds or thousands of times. This worked so well for me. I give all of my clients this entire funnel structure. I give them everything. I give them a template of the info document and template examples of what all these videos look like so that they can simply create their own version that fits their business.
If you work with the right coach, there's no reason that you can't set this thing up for yourself, and it works so well. At this point, you might be thinking, “I really want to use a funnel like this but I need help knowing what to say and how to say it.” You are probably thinking, “I need help finding more people because if I'm going to convert a certain number of people out of every 100 people I talk to, I need hundreds of hundreds of people. Where do I find these people?” Are you wondering like, “I don't have any followers. I don't have that many connections on social media. Where do I find them?” I have good news for you. If you are realizing that this six-figure book-to-call funnel is exactly what you need and you need help with these two areas, I have a free gift for you.
I have created a free class to teach you exactly those two things. In my free masterclass, I teach you how to activate your six-figure social media sales machine without feeling like a salesy weirdo. This is exactly where I'm going to fill in all those missing pieces for you around this book-to-call social media funnel. In this free class, I'm going to show you how to get more engagement on all the content you share on social media and get people interested coming to you of saying like, “This is great. Where can I learn more? Give me more information,” then I'm going to show you how to enroll large groups of clients or customers at a time, so instead of 1 here and 1 there, it's 5 here and 10 there.
I'm going to share with you how to create an instant audience of hundreds or even thousands of people in a single week or two-week period. You do not have to spend months or years to build your social media following or to build your email list to build your audience. You can get hundreds or thousands of people in a single week, so in this free class, I'm going to show you how to do that, and I'm going to break down the exact sales machine structure that I use in my own business.
I'm going to show you the role that that book-to-call social media funnel plays in that sales machine. Be sure to join me there. I'm going to break it all down for you. I will make it super easy for you to increase your conversions and sales, get an instant audience, and start enrolling large groups of clients or customers at a time.
Again, this works for coaches who are looking to enroll clients. It works for course creators who are looking to sell more courses. It works for network and affiliate marketers who are either trying to get more customers or even recruit a downline. It works for all of those things. It's nice the way this all comes together, so be sure to grab my free gift. That's where I'm going to show you how to amplify your results on social media and how to activate your own six-figure social media sales machine. I hope that's helpful, and I will see you in the free class.