💪 Building Elegant Influence Through Niche Marketing With Dianne DeLongchamps 🎯

Without choosing a particular target audience, your business is running aimlessly and without an actual clear goal. This is where niche marketing comes in. Adrienne Hill talks with entrepreneur Dianne DeLongchamps about choosing the right target market to build a solid and reputable business influence. She shares practical niche marketing strategies for leveraging social media in creating genuine human connections that can be converted into sales opportunities. Dianne also presents her complete checklist for creating a powerful personal brand and her three-step workbook for women entrepreneurs.

3 Simple Steps To Nail Your Marketing!

·          Get crystal clear on your target audience and your marketing message

·          Be seen as an expert and set yourself apart from your competition

·          Generate a stream of new clients and referrals

#impactfulentreprenurshow #guestinterview #ConversionStrategy

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✅ Dianne’s free gift for you:


✅ Audience Explosion Toolkit - Adrienne’s free gift for you:


✅ Adrienne’s Entrepreneur Community on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/6.figure.strategy


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💪 Building Elegant Influence Through Niche Marketing With Dianne DeLongchamps 🎯

Are you a multi-passionate entrepreneur who's blending a brick-and-mortar business, an online coaching business, a network marketing business, or maybe even affiliate marketing and you're trying to figure out how to nail your personal brand in a way that can connect all of them together? It's tough to find people in the industry who are willing to talk about the blend.

A lot of coaches will teach you how to be a great coach or course creator, but they won't touch network marketing. You'll find network marketing coaches who won't touch coaches or course creation. Those people certainly don't want to talk about a brick-and-mortar business. If you want to build a rock-solid brand, especially if you're blending, that can be a tricky thing to do. We're going to dissect that in this episode. If you felt multi-passionate or wanted to blend multiple businesses together, you are in the perfect place, my friend. Let's do this.


I am here with Dianne DeLongchamps. She stepped into entrepreneurship many years ago and never looked back. She's built a global multimillion-dollar business over the last several years, helping women step into entrepreneurship. She teaches a simple strategy to businesswomen that enables them to elegantly influence their prospects and turn complete strangers into enthusiastic paying customers in an authentic, non-salesy way. She created the elegant influence framework for women entrepreneurs, who want to stand out from the competition, be seen as an expert, choose who they get to work with, and create the business they dream of.

Her mission is to help more women see success in entrepreneurship and have a greater impact on their families, their community, and other people's lives through owning a business they love that also pays them well. If you're looking to have more fun with your business, serve more people, and make more money, you're in for a treat. Welcome, Dianne. We are so excited to have you here.

Thank you. I'm so excited to be here.

This is going to be the perfect topic for this episode. Before we dive into all the good stuff, there may be a couple of people in the audience who maybe haven't met you yet. I would love for them to get to know you a little bit. Could you tell us just a little bit about your entrepreneurial journey and how you found yourself as the expert that you are focusing on the areas that you focus on?

I was in Corporate America for several years. There was a downturn in the economy and my husband and I ended up buying a catering company. It was super fun. We grew it to one of the top catering companies in Denver. I live in Colorado. I then had kids. Working all those hours, I was missing them growing up. I wasn't seeing them. I wasn't able to be there for a lot of important moments in their life. I started looking for something else and I was introduced to the business that I'm part of years ago. I started it. I loved it. It was entrepreneurship. It was a newer company. It enabled me to do more online, work from home, and build a business online. I started doing that and with that came the opportunity to help other women start businesses.

That's where I got to where I am now. I fell in love with that. I always loved entrepreneurship, for me, but then as I saw other women step into entrepreneurship and have the opportunity to become the person that they were always meant to be, but haven't had a chance to become, I fell in love with that. It was so beautiful just watching women blossom. As I’ve learned over my journey, how to coach more women and help them see success, that's where this elegant influence training and concept came into being.

Your professional background, I'm sure, helped you in business, helped you get the confidence to get started and to jump in. We all tap into our previous background to feed our situation. We all have that ability. It's interesting when you had kids, everything turned upside down. I can relate to that. The role that my kids played in my life fed into me wanting to become an entrepreneur because I wanted that freedom.

A lot of people are here for the exact same reason. There might be different things driving that desire for freedom. For a lot of us, it's our kids. I can totally relate to that. I can totally see that. It's interesting too that you had this catering business like a brick-and-mortar style business and an online business opens up a whole new level of freedom in comparison, doesn't it?

A whole new level of freedom. When you're a small business owner in a more of a brick-and-mortar type business, it can be fantastic, but a lot of times, you're at the back-end call of your customers. You think you're in control, but you're not really in control.

Your customers and your clients are running the show.

With the world the way it is, it’s just so easy to access the right people, if you have the right message, the right product, and the service, and have that desire.

Your first dipping your toe into online business was in network marketing, and then you evolved into this coach.

When I first started my network marketing business, I was like, “If I could maybe supplement my income at the catering company so I don't have to work as many hours, I can work maybe a couple of days from home doing this.” As I grew it and had more women who wanted to be part of the business and wanted to build something of their own, I started helping them learn how to do that. As I stumbled along learning myself, then I would help. I'd be like, “I've learned this and I can help you with this now.”

It evolved over time from something that I thought was going to be something little to something that I found a lot of passion in and grew to be a phenomenal business for me. From that love of coaching women, I've transitioned now. I still am in my network marketing business. I love it. I also, outside of my team, help other women in different types of businesses, not network marketing, but this process or a thought process of elegant influence can work for women in any type of business who are talking with clients.

Something so little always has the potential to grow into a phenomenal business if you have a lot of passion in it.

That's a fascinating part of your story. I wanted to point it out because honestly, I've talked to probably thousands of entrepreneurs now. I would say, 75% of them started their journey in network marketing. It's so common for me to see that. The other thing I noticed, I talked with network marketers and I think they're just in network marketing. That's all they got going on.

Shortly into the conversation, they were like, “I have this dream of opening this coaching business and launching the course.” I'm like, “Do you?” They're blending. I talked to coaches and course creators and I think all they're doing is focusing on coaching. A little bit into the conversation, they'll say, “I have this network marketing thing on the side.” Everyone seems to be blending lately. It's fascinating and you can do it successfully, too.

It is fascinating. I never thought about it and until a couple of years when I realized I love teaching women how to do this. This is so fun for me. It was a transition. I was like, “How do I do what I do but also do this?” When you start focusing on what you love, it works together. Network marketing is such a simple way because of the way it's formatted for women who don't know how to coach, don't have their own product, or don't have their own business to step into entrepreneurship and then evolve from there.

It's the perfect training ground if you're brand new, honestly. If you have a great coach, like in your upline, the perfect training ground. As I said, 75% of the people who I've talked to who are very successful in business started there. That's where they started their training. It's super common. I talk to people all the time who are blending and it's common.

In either case, whether you're doing one or the other or you're one of those people blending, building influence online is important. A lot of people, when they first get started, are thinking, “I don't have any influence. I don't have any authority, much less elegant influence.” Can you talk to us a little bit about the role that building influence plays online and how to get started if you feel like you have none or even negative influence?

The most important thing to do when you want to market effectively is to figure out who your niche is. “Who is my target audience?” For women, we want to be everything to everyone. We think we can help everyone because it's in our DNA. It's in our nature. We want to help, “I can help you.” Oftentimes, our message is fuzzy because we're not niching down into a target audience that we can best serve. People don't understand how we can help them because our message isn't clear.

The first step in becoming effective at marketing and becoming an influencer or having influence is to know who your target audience is, to niche down. In my training, I go down into micro niching, like getting targeted into that target audience so that you can create a message that hits their pain points, that hits their desires, that helps them understand how you can take them from point A to point B. It's all about the journey of how you can help them see success.

They have a problem. They're looking for a solution. It's our job to explain to them how we can help them get to where they want to go and how we can help them transform. The only way we can do that is by having a targeted niche that we understand and that we can create messaging around. When you do that, when you understand what people's pain points are and you understand how you can help them and what benefits your products have or your service, and how that will make them feel in the end result, you will begin to be able to influence people because you're not being salesy. You're showing them, “This is how I can help you,” which is what people hear. That's what they're always listening for. “How is this going to help me? How is this going to benefit me?”

What's in it for me? I couldn't agree more. I see this all the time. People have general marketing. I help people lose weight. It's totally different than, “I help middle middle-aged women lose the hard-to-lose body fat. I help them lose 20 pounds in the first month.” All of a sudden, all those women in that age group are listening. It’s super good advice. I love this. As people are wrapping their hats around this, what are some important questions to ask yourself when you're deciding how to niche down or how far to niche down?

A couple of things to think about when you're niching down. You want to think about your journey. What do you have? What experiences do you have? What things have you accomplished that will resonate with other people that you're talking to with your dream client? What is that? When I was building my network marketing business, I had sun damage. I was in my early 40s. That was like, “My target audience for my skincare is women with sun damage who use baby oil for sunscreen,” when I was growing up.

My target audience for building my business was women like me who worked, had young kids at home, and wanted more flexibility. I was super focused. When you niche down to that and target in on someone, you can create a good message. Where do you have some things that people can relate to? You want to think about who you want to work with. This is your business.

You can choose who you want to work with. You can choose because there are literally millions or billions of people on social media. You can choose.

This is your business. You're going to work hard at it. Choose people that you enjoy and love working with. That's important. When I've come up with my niche, I decided, “These are the people I want to work with. This is why because they can relate to my story.” Dig in a little bit deeper and think about, “Out of these people, can I niche down a little more into the type of person that could best benefit from my product or service?”

If you can hone in on that person that could best benefit and see the most success, you're going to rock and roll because you're going to understand that audience. They're going to understand that your marketing's going to be clear. One other question that's like 3-in-1. Make sure when you decide on this niche, “Are they problem-aware? Do they know there's a problem? Are they open to a solution? Are they looking for something? They just need to find the right one. Are they willing and able to pay you for your solution?” You want to make sure that you have people that can pay for your solution. If your target audience can't pay for your solution, then you're going to have a hard time building a business.

This all makes so much sense because the last thing you want is for your marketing to sound so watered down that it doesn't catch anyone's interest. It's like vanilla. You don't want to be another flavor of vanilla. I heard the same once. How does it go? It's better to be someone's shot of vodka than everyone's cup of tea. Be the person that stands out to someone. The fun part is whoever it is that you're zeroing in on, you might think, “If I narrow in too much, do I have enough people to talk to now? Look how tiny this little sliver is.” I know a lot of people think this. On social media where there are billions of people, a little sliver this big could still be millions of people.

Once people have gone through that thought process and they've thought about unique life experiences or results they've had or the ideal person they could get amazing results for and they're starting to get an idea. From there, how do you translate that into super clear messaging? How does knowing who you're talking to and having clear messaging give you influence? How does that tie together?

Knowing who you're talking to gives you more influence because when you understand the problems, the solution that you can offer them, and how that's going to make them feel, you can also share stories of your clients who you've helped see success and their transformation, their journey to where this other person you're talking to wants to go. If you can express that in the right way and share that in the right way, that's going to enable them to have their own a-ha moment. That's what you want.

Niche Marketing: Share stories on social media about the clients you have helped see success. If you share them the right way, you can let your target audience know that you can help them get their own a-ha moments.

Many women struggle with sales like, “I don't want to be a salesperson.” You don't have to sell if you can share the story the right way and if you can help that person have their own a-ha moment on how this can help them. You want them to go, “She can help me. I need to work with her. She can help me get exactly where I want to go.” That's an important part of creating that. How to be an influencer and how to be seen as an expert? You don't have to have years of experience. You have to understand your market, how you can help them, how you can serve them, and have a couple of great stories that will resonate with them.

I love that. It's about telling almost like the hero's journey of like, “So-and-so went from a place of struggle to a place of success. Now, this next person went from a place of struggle to a place of success.” You're saying, ‘If you're the one who's always showing up online and telling these hero stories from struggle to success, over time, people start to view you as the solution to all their problems and a great storyteller, and in doing so, you build influence.

That's what will make them stop and listen. That's what will stop the scroll. If you're going to have a target audience, I love the hero's journey. I love that whole format. You can tell a good journey like that. People like to see that other people struggle with what they struggle with. They’ve been able to see success through your program, process, product, or service. If you can share those stories, that is what influencers do. They share stories.

You don't have to be an expert. You have to be a storyteller.

If you’re a good storyteller. You asked me about the format of messaging. I always like for people to sit down. When I'm working with women, I ask them, “Sit down, brain dump. List all the problems of your who, what promised result or outcome, can you provide to their problem, and how do you create that result for them.”

You take that and you put it into the who, what, and how. I'm sure you know, Adrienne. Who do I help? Who do you help? What can you help them achieve? What's the process? When you take that simple format, you can have a few different phrases that go to the same thing to use in different marketing or that lead to the same end result.

It's a simple message and that's what you want. I've been to a gajillion network market or networking events and sometimes I'll listen to someone, I'm like, “I have no idea what they said. I don't know what they do.” They want to give you too much information. When you're marketing, you want to make it super simple, clear, and easy for someone to understand.

That's so helpful. I'm sure you have examples of this. Once people start wrapping their heads around this and maybe for the first time, they start putting out the super clear messaging and they start putting out these hero journeys and sharing these stories of transformation, what results are possible? Do you have clients or team members that you could share some results and stories of things that started happening in their business when they started niching down and getting clear on their marketing and messaging?

I've seen a lot of women because I did the same thing. When I started, I was like, “I sell skincare. Anyone with skin, that's my target market. Do you have skin? I can help you.” Many women struggle with that. What happens and what I've seen with a lot of my team members, but then also women who are in some of my programs, who are small business owners are their own coaches, coaching other women or individuals in different ways. I've seen people grow 30%, 40%, to 50% within a few months. I've seen a lot of women in network marketing, especially getting started. The growth in their business is incredible when they hone in and create that message so people understand how they can help them.

Niche Marketing: A lot of women in network marketing grow their business in just a few months because they create an incredible message people can easily understand.

That's incredible. Even within a few months, you can see a major turnaround if you start applying these principles.

You want to apply them in everything you do. You don't want it to be like, “I'm going to apply here.” What's beautiful about it is when you start creating this specific message, you can create an email campaign. You can take from that email campaign little nuggets. You can multipurpose it on social media. You can do something on YouTube. You can do something on LinkedIn. You can do it in your stories. You can start taking the content that you're creating for the specific target market and reusing it over and over again in different formats.

For those of you reading, I hope you're inspired by that because it couldn't be more true. What I've noticed, there are tons of people who are like, “What do I do on Facebook? What do I do on Instagram now? What do I do on Pinterest?” The answer is, if you have good marketing, good marketing works no matter where you put it. You don't need totally different strategies for every platform if you've nailed your marketing. You can slice and dice the same story, the same copy, or the same content and put it on all the platforms. Good marketing is good marketing and it works no matter where you put it.

Some of the things that I work on and coach on is asking a lot of questions. Sitting down and asking questions that your client would ask. Thinking about their pain points. How do you address that? How do you answer that? As you go through all of that, what are the desired outcomes you can create? When you go through that and brain dump on the problems, concerns, desires, and everything of your client, you're creating content.

You're creating the stuff that you can take a little nugget here and throw on Instagram and Facebook. That also becomes overwhelming for people. It’s like, “I've got this. What do I do?” There are so many different things, which is beautiful. It's evil and good all in one. All the things that we can do to build our businesses. It can be so overwhelming sometimes, people just stop.

Niche Marketing: When you go through the problems, concerns, and desires your clients have brought to you, you are creating content that you can throw on any social media platform.

I see that a lot. One thing that I hope is encouraging to you guys is how she zeroes in on these little pain points on these individual little problems. The more you zero in, each one of those tiny little glimpses is a post or a video. When you think you have 365 days a year, a lot of people get exhausted constantly feeding social media.

When you give yourself permission to niche down real tiny and to talk about each tiny little pain point and moment, you realize you have a ton of stuff to talk about and you're never going to run out of content. It doesn't have to shut you down. In fact, it could enable you like, “I constantly have stuff to talk about. I don't have to worry about coming up with ideas. I got 1 million ideas.”

Another thing women struggle with, since we're on this topic, going along with all these ideas, is, “Am I that? Do I have value? Is what I have to give good enough? Do people care?” Yes, they care because there's someone out there. There are lots of people out there that are struggling with the same thing you're struggling with. They are struggling with the same thing your clients are struggling with. There are people out there that are looking for what you have to offer. The more you put yourself out there and the more you share little nuggets that are easily digestible, so people understand what you can do for them, the faster your business is going to grow.

If you follow what Dianne is teaching, you niche in, and you get more specific on the stuff you're talking about, 90% of people out there are talking. Their message is watered down. They're like, “I help people lose weight. I help people get great skin,” which is so generic that no one's listening. If you are the one niching down and getting specific, you're the one they're going to notice.

It's going to set you apart from your competition.

The people reading are probably realizing, “Good marketing works everywhere. I probably have way more to talk about than I thought, but I need some help. I don't want to dabble in it. I want to nail my marketing now,” because they're feeling motivated. I know you have a free gift that could help our audience to nail their marketing. Do you want to tell us about it?

I have a free gift that is like a workbook for women entrepreneurs. It's three steps to nail your marketing. It takes some of the things that you and I have talked about, hones in on it a little bit deeper, and a little bit more into detail. It's going to help you get crystal clear on your target audience and your marketing message. It's going to work through some things so that you can be seen as an expert and set yourself apart from the competition. It's going to help you create messaging that's going to generate a stream of new happy clients and referrals. Referrals are a big part of our business and for anyone's business.

The more you niche down, even if this doesn't help someone, when they see your message, they're like, “I know someone that could use that.” It's not for you to connect with your prospects. It's all those other people out there that see your things. They hear your clear message. They're like, “I know someone that could use that.” Sometimes, we forget about referrals and that's an important part of the business.

Marketing is not just about businesses connecting with prospects. It is also about letting those people out there hear your clear message and how they can benefit working with you.

Thank you for offering that. As you've been watching, for those of you in the audience, if what Dianne and I talked about had you lighting up inside and you're realizing, “This is my next step. This is what I need to do,” grab her download, her three simple steps. Everything we talked about, there's now a place to write it down, think it through, capture all those ideas, and organize them so they're not bouncing around in your head like a mess. It's good to organize those thoughts. That's going to help you to nail your marketing. Thank you so much, Dianne, for offering that. For the VIP ticket holders, you have an extra special gift. Do you want to tell us a little bit about that one?

I do. This is something I love and I'm passionate about because it's something that a lot of women and I struggle with for a long time. It's a very simple solution to the struggle. It's called the Complete Checklist to Building a Strategic and Powerful Personal Brand and it goes through a process. It does not take very long. You need some paper and a pen and it goes through a process.

I help you get clear on your business brand so that people know how you can help them. Get clear on your personal brand, so people relate to you and like you. Integrate your values like who you are, as a human being so that people trust you and they want to work with you. It brings in that know, like, and trust factor, which is so important when you're out there connecting with people, whether it's in person, over Zoom, or on social media.

People need to want to know not just your business, not just how you help, but who you are as a human being. A lot of times, that's what's going to bring them in over someone else. You might have an offer that's maybe similar to someone else but they like you because they've gotten to know, like, and trust you through your branding.

That's so valuable. Thank you for contributing that because I know a lot of people want to know the person behind the business. They want to know, “Is this person a good human? Do I like them? Do I like who they are as a person?” That's so valuable and that's the key honestly, to not only building influence but elegant influence. People not only do they trust you as an influencer and as an expert. They like you as a human, too.

They want to hang around you, be near you, be in your world, and cross paths. You guys scoop that up. If you're not a VIP ticket holder yet, what are you waiting for? Grab that VIP ticket because there are all these extra gifts, extra training, and lifetime access to all these amazing interviews, as well. Thank you so much.

You did an amazing job on that. All that's going to be so fantastic.

I can't wait to see. Honestly, people have had the biggest breakthroughs they've had because of this event. All of the speakers, we're all rooting for you. We're obsessed with you guys getting results and I know Dianne is obsessed, as well. Thank you for joining us, Dianne. We so enjoyed having you here.


Helpful links:

✅ Connect with Dianne:


✅ Dianne’s free gift for you:


✅ Audience Explosion Toolkit - Adrienne’s free gift for you:


✅ Adrienne’s Entrepreneur Community on Facebook - https://www.Facebook.com/groups/6.figure.strategy

About Dianne DeLongchamps

Dianne is a wife of 25 years, a devoted mother to two teenagers, and shares her home with two rescue mutts. The great outdoors, traveling, and cherished moments with her family are her true passions.

Venturing into entrepreneurship two decades ago, she never looked back. With unwavering determination, she has built a global multi-million dollar business over the past twelve years, specializing in empowering women to embrace their own entrepreneurial journeys. Her expertise lies in teaching businesswomen a simple yet effective strategy that gracefully influences their prospects, transforming complete strangers into enthusiastic paying customers in a genuine and non-salesy manner.

Recognizing the need for a distinctive approach, she created The Elegant Influence Framework specifically for women entrepreneurs seeking to stand out from the competition. This comprehensive framework enables them to establish themselves as experts, select their preferred clientele, and bring their dream business to life.

The framework offers a fresh and straightforward strategy, diverging from conventional methods. It instills an authentic approach, allowing connections to flourish with ideal prospects who can truly benefit from their offerings. Time and again, this strategy has proven to attract an abundance of dream clients who not only comprehend the value of what is being offered but also become enthusiastic and take decisive action.

Driven by her mission, she aspires to assist more women in achieving entrepreneurial success, enabling them to make a significant impact on their families, communities, and the lives of others through the ownership of profitable and fulfilling businesses they adore. If you seek to inject more excitement into your own business, serve a larger audience, and increase your financial prosperity, she eagerly awaits the opportunity to connect and support you on your journey.