📚 A Guide To Maximizing Lead Generation Without Ads đŸš« With Rey Perez

Impactful Entrepreneur Show | Rey Perez | Lead Generation

Struggling to capture leads and build relationships at networking events? In this masterclass-style training, Rey Perez joins host Adrienne Hill to delve into the art of maximizing lead generation without resorting to ads, employing smart techniques centered around personal branding and networking. With an illustrious background spanning bestselling authorship, award-winning speaking, and coaching endeavors, Rey brings a wealth of experience to the table. Throughout the episode, Rey’s expertise shines as he offers actionable insights and practical advice, leaving listeners equipped to elevate their lead generation efforts in impactful ways.


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📚 A Guide To Maximizing Lead Generation Without Ads đŸš« With Rey Perez

Welcome back. I am super excited about this particular masterclass-style training. I’m here with Rey Perez. He’s the Best-Selling Author, Award-Winning Speaker, Podcast, Radio Show, and TV Talk Show Host, Elite Business Coach, and Philanthropist who leads Mastermind Groups and Business Growth Seminars globally. He shared the stage and worked with some of the biggest industry icons, such as Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Kevin Harrington, and Sharon Lechter, to name a few.

Leveraging decades of sales and marketing experience, Rey and his team of experts create world-class celebrity brands for top entrepreneurs and professionals who want to dominate their niche or industry. He has entered the field of marketing and promotions while spending several years promoting high-end VIP events in the Miami South Beach nightlife industry. He quickly discovered the immense benefits of engaging potential consumers through the power of video marketing and social media to expand his reach and impact. You guys are going to love him.


We’re with Rey. I’m super excited to be here with you. Thanks for taking the time to hang out with us.

Thank you for inviting me and having me. I’m super excited for this interview.

I love it, and I love what you have to share with us. Rey is going to be talking to us about how to maximize lead generation without using any ads through some super smart, wicked, and cool techniques he has to show us. I can’t wait to dig in. I know the world of lead generation and lead capture has been around for a long time, but it’s evolving and up-leveling. You’re part of the crew who’s up-leveling how we do this.

It’s important for everyone who’s reading, whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, speaker, coach, author, or consultant, to understand what lead generation is. Having the foundation and understanding before the strategy is always important. Context is something that most, in my opinion, marketers and branding people leave out. They give you the strategy, and it sounds amazing, but they forget to give you the context that the strategy is in. For me, I always like to lay the foundation.

When we talk about lead generation, that equals meeting new people who can potentially become your customers. Not only can they become your customer, but they can also introduce you to someone that they know can become your customer. This is why lead generation is the bloodline of any business. There are multiple ways to lead generate. Most of the ways to lead generate cost what? Money. Facebook ads, pay-per-click, SCM, all these different advertising billboards, you name it, most of it costs money. There’s one main strategy that the majority of small business owners and entrepreneurs have been using since the beginning of business. It does not cost you a lot of money. It only requires your time.

Relationship building, networking, and word-of-mouth referrals are always the most powerful. They always convert the hottest when you’re getting a connection from a real person to a real person. Unless you have tons of traffic or a really big audience where you’re standing up on a stage somewhere, it can feel like high hustle and lots of activity to do all that networking. Networking takes time. How do we speed it up? How do we make it more efficient?

Let’s start off with the obvious. Where can we find these new relationships and connections that could potentially buy from us? Number one is live events. We can take that category and write 50 different things that fall under live events, but they all fall under live events. This is a live event. It’s a virtual live event, and then there’s the physical live event.

The next would be digital. Do you understand the difference between virtual and digital? When this live interview is recorded and replayed, it becomes digital. It’s no longer live, but we’re still relaying the information digitally through social media, YouTube, email, copy, landing page, email marketing, or text message marketing. It doesn’t matter. You have a digital product that your message can get out into the world, which is completely different than a live. Does that make sense?

Yes. I might be coming through virtually on a screen, but I’m still live with the people.

That’s correct. We have live. There are multiple events that fall into live and that’s virtual and physical. There are digital, introductions, and referrals. I don’t like to use the word referral because referral equals sales. I like to use the word introduction because introduction means relationships. I don’t want sales. I want relationships that will lead to sales. Do you understand the difference in feeling that someone has when you say, “Refer me someone. Send me a sale,” or, “Introduce me to someone. Give me a relationship.”

Yes. It’s a different feeling.

Let’s talk about the big boy, which is live events. Everything spawns from the live events and interactions that we have with people. That’s how digital products are created. That’s also how referral introductions are created. That’s why I do it in this order. When we’re at live events, there are three different ways that we could show up.

Let’s talk about the basic that everyone can be, an attendee. We can attend an event. That is the least favorable in the sense of lead generating because you have to do the most work to be able to make those connections and relationships. I don’t need to explain why. You get it. As an attendee, depending on whether it is live in person or live virtually, there is a different way that we function in those two different capacities.

What we’ve learned to do is when you meet someone live in person and you’re having a chitchat, and you’re going to exchange information because that’s the normal process that we have, what would you say are the typical ways of exchanging information? I want everyone who’s reading to focus very closely on what I’m saying. The reason that human beings seem to prefer to connect on social media is because it builds more relationships and connections. You can look into this person’s life a little bit more and get a feeling about them.

I keep emphasizing the word feed feeling because we’re human beings, with the emphasis on the word being. We are energetic creatures. We’re souls. We are all one. We are connected. When you come into an event, you need to understand you’re not just here for business. You are an energetic soul connecting with other souls. You need to focus on what that means and how that works because that will lead to eventually making a sale. If you walk in with the intention of, “How can I make as many sales?” That’s completely wrong because you’re giving off the incorrect energy.

We’re walking in with the right energy. We understand that we can have three outcomes. 1) We can find customers. 2) We can find service providers that we become their customers and they provide a service we need. We all need services. There’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t walk into an event saying, “I need to sell,” only. You can be like, “I also am looking for resources.” Be open to it. The third, which is my favorite, is joint venture. You’re like, “I really love what this person is doing. They can serve my audience. Let’s figure out how we can refer business to one another and we can both make money.”

By walking into this event, we have the proper energy, we know the three intentions of why we’re there, and then we need to do what? We need to network. We need to meet people. There’s got to be a smooth, efficient intentionality. Number one, and most people don’t have this, and I don’t have enough time to go down this rabbit hole, so I’m going to mention it, you must have your three qualifying questions. What do I mean by that? These are three questions that let you know this person is a potential client for you. This is important.

We need to network, we need to meet people, and we need to get people.

With those three questions, you can tell. You’re saying to have three lined up, for sure.

That’s correct. That’s like, “You are 100% my perfect customer avatar.” 2 out of 3 still qualify, and sometimes even 1 out of 3, depending. Three out of three, there are no questions asked. It’s like, “You’re my perfect customer. I know my services will highly benefit you.”

When you’re limited on time in an event, that person’s worth talking to.

We ask our three qualifying questions. We engage a little bit. We know this person’s a perfect customer. We know the next step is to get their info, give our info, and get them scheduled on a call. That’s it. That is the goal. Once that is achieved, we need to move on to the next person because we’re wasting time at that point if we don’t move on to the next.

Impactful Entrepreneur Show | Rey Perez | Lead Generation

Lead Generation: When we know a person is a perfect customer, the next step is to get their info, give our info, and schedule a call. That is the goal. Once that is achieved, we need to move on to the next person.

The logistics of getting and giving information are very important. We talked about business cards, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, typing someone’s number, and all these different things that we do. As an attendee, I had to figure out a better way to get people’s information. I used to have a card scanner. I used to go into an Excel spreadsheet. I used to have my VA put them into my phone. The biggest challenge isn’t getting the info. It’s getting all the info organized that allows you to follow up efficiently and effectively. I do not use business cards because I’ve gone digital, but we still use the language of a business card because this is not foreign.

People get it.

This is how we set it up. Everybody, pay attention. We’re getting into the meat and potatoes. I would say to Adrienne, “Do you have a business card?”

Yeah. I got one right here.

I’d be like, “Thank you.” She gives me her business card and I look at it and say, “Let me give you my digital business card. Open your camera on your phone.” Logistically speaking, I have a screensaver on my phone, and on my screensaver, it has my QR code. We’re doing this example virtually, but you’re physically in front of me. I’m going to say, “Give it a couple of seconds to pop up. There’s going to be a little smiley face that says, “I’m Rey Perez,” and a little circle that says, “Save Now.” Click on that Save Now. Click on it and tell them what happens when you click on that one button.

I hit Save Now. It’s saving his contact information to Downloads.

It should open up my contact card. That is all my contact information to save into their phone, so step one has been accomplished. I’ve given you all my information. Remember something. Contacts. I didn’t give you my phone number. I gave you my full name, phone number, email, website, and office address. For the most important part, what else did I give you?

A picture of your face.

Do you know how valuable it is when you’re networking to have your picture on someone’s phone? It is not okay to give someone your phone number. They do not know who the heck you are.

In networking, having your picture on someone's phone can be incredibly valuable.  However, simply giving out your phone number isn't enough.

They don’t remember. When I see his picture, I’m like, “I remember Rey.”

It’s got my title and my website. It’s got everything. Here’s the logistics I’m responsible for doing with you. I’m going to tell you, “Text me your full name and your best email so I can save you into my phone right now.”

You’re recognizing they might not have all this cool stuff. All they have to do to reciprocate is text you.

I’d be like, “Text me your full name and best email so I can save you on my phone right now.” I did not ask you for the most important information we need when connecting with someone, which is the cell phone number. Why did I not ask you for your cell phone? All I said was, “Text me your full name and best email.” It’s because of the sheer fact that when you click Send Text, you’re sending me your cell phone number without typing it.

It happened, but it didn’t feel forward.

When you have to type your number to give it to someone or type it in an opt-in form, there is resistance instantly.

It often drops dramatically when you ask for phone numbers. Let’s say that you’re speaking. Let’s say you’re on stage. I assume you could have a slide that came up that had your QR code.

This goes live in person or virtual. We are virtually live. For those of you who don’t know, I created this page called a 360 site because it connects everything that’s me in the world 360 degrees. Everything that is Rey Perez is in one page. I invented it because, first and foremost, I wanted to figure out a faster way to connect. We have this Contact button right here. That QR code took them to this same contact, which is what’s called a direct link. A direct link takes them to exactly what you want them to do. My QR code took them to the same contact because that’s what I wanted you to do.

I’m on stage and I’ll pull up a presentation, or if I’m virtual, I’ll pull up my QR code. Everyone can take up their cell phones and do exactly what you did. They open up their camera and press the little button that pops up. It’s going to take them straight to my 360 site, and there is a little popup of me saying, “It’s nice to meet you. Save my contact information.” That’s the experience part that I’m talking about. It’s not, “Let me give you my information.”

When you click the Contact button, what do you see at the top? They’re going to say, “Send text.” I’m going to say, “Click the button that says Send Text.” What that will do is it will open up their text message. When it opens up their text message, I’m going to say, “Text me your full name and your best email so that I can give you my full presentation on how to attract more leads and convert more sales by leveraging the power of your personal brand.”

This is so helpful. Regardless of whether you’re the speaker or the attendee, you have a really cool way to connect with people, and that’s based on how you made them feel in that moment of interaction. It streamlines the process of connecting. It grabs their phone number but in a way that they don’t feel like you’re grabbing their phone number. It feels like you made it easy for them and it’s cool.

The cool factor is more important than you realize.

People are like, “Ooh.”

They don’t feel like it’s marketing because it’s so cool. They’re focused on the fact that it’s cool. They’re not focused on the fact that you’re capturing their information. You’ll have these things on your table. For your sponsor, you’re going to have this little QR code and this branding. There are all different types that I have. These are for the speakers. That way, people can write notes when you’re speaking at the bottom. It has the call to action, call, text, email, or get socially connected. The idea is that everyone goes through this process, no matter if you’re a sponsor or a speaker and if you’re doing a podcast.

Impactful Entrepreneur Show | Rey Perez | Lead Generation

Lead Generation: The "cool factor" is more important than you realize.  When it's cool, it doesn't feel like marketing. Consumers become engrossed in the experience, not the data collection.

That’s different. That’s audio only.

We’re on the show. We’re ending the show and you ask me, “If my audience wants to connect with you and want to learn more about the 360 sites, your Business Growth Bootcamp, your branding events, coaching, consulting with you, or visiting you in Miami, what’s the best way for them to do that?” I’m going to say, “The best way to connect with me is on my personal site, ReyPerez360.com. You can connect with me on any of my social media. You can check out my websites, my vlogs, my podcasts, and even my contact information. Everything’s in one place at ReyPerez360.com.” If it’s okay with you, could I give your audience a gift?


Thank you for that. If you’re reading, I want to give you my entire strategy on how to leverage the power of personal branding to attract more leads and more sales. If you go to my 360 site and you click on that Contact button, at the top, it’ll say Send Text. When you text me your full name and best email and let me know that you’ve tuned in to this episode, I will send you that entire video presentation for free. This is as a thank you for allowing me to be on this show.

That’s amazing. Do you see the way he expertly wove that in?

I’m going to add one bonus for this explanation. That was the call to action and a lead generation strategy woven into one. I gave my info. Giving your info is not enough. Me at ReyPerez360.com is not enough. The call to action to get people’s information is the part that everyone misses. Lead generation’s power is on the list and in the contacts. The majority of your contacts are not going to buy from you anyway. When you have a list of contacts, you can create partnerships with other people, offer their services, and create new revenue streams you never had in your business. The power is in the list.

With this strategy, not only are you getting their name and their email, but you’re also getting their phone number and you’re a full contact inside of their phone with your image. It’s more reciprocal. It’s more connected. It’s more like they’re going to remember you.

It’s evergreen. This is next level. This is deep. I hope I haven’t blown everybody’s mind yet, but think about this. If you give a call to action with a website, a business, a service, or an event, that could change in the future, and it most likely will. Have you had the exact same service for the last couple of years?

No. Websites change. Your URLs change. Your phone numbers change. It changes.

We can all agree and understand that you can give a call to action now and a year from now, that call to action may no longer be valid. Here’s the most amazing thing about having a 360 site. The 360 is a you in the world. It’s ReyPerez360.com. It’s not my company, my brand, and my events. Unless I change my name, it’s evergreen. It was never going to change.

You can update that landing page with all your stuff.

You’re so smart.

You can do that anytime.

It’s always updated. Even if the call to action I gave now does not exist a year from now, they’ll still text me and I’ll say, “We’re not doing that anymore, but here’s my new book,” or, “Here’s my new business,” or whatever because the call to action is evergreen.

With that, we’ll see you guys on the flip side. Thank you, Rey, so much for your time.

Thank you.

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About Rey Perez

Impactful Entrepreneur Show | Rey Perez | Lead Generation

Rey Perez is a Best Selling Author, Award-Winning Speaker, Podcast, Radio Show & TV Talk Show Host, Elite Business Coach, and Philanthropist who leads Mastermind Groups and Business Growth Seminars Globally. He has shared the stage and worked with some of the biggest industry icons such as Les Brown, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Kevin Harrington, and Sharon Lechter, just to name a few. Leveraging nearly two decades of sales and marketing experience Rey and his team of experts create world-class celebrity brands for top entrepreneurs and professionals who want to dominate their niche or industry.

Rey entered the field of marketing and promotions while spending several years promoting high-end VIP Events in Miami’s South Beach Nightlife Industry. He quickly discovered the immense benefits of engaging potential consumers through the power of video marketing and social media to expand his reach and impact.